Hospital Again

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I opened my eyes and saw nine people in the room who were staring at me. I knew four out of the nine, well make that five because I had recently met CC in person before I passed out. Ryan looked sick, yet very concerned. Matt ran out of the room, probably to get to the bathroom to puke. Josh looked like he felt like shit but could hold the alcohol down. Barry looked pale as he was half asleep. CC was talking to someone.

The guy had long black hair with some of it sticking up in the air, black skin tight jeans, a black cut-off shirt, and black sneakers. The first person that I recognized was Ashley Purdy with his black skinny jeans, black tank top with his black boots, emo styled black haircut, and his tattoo sleeves. He was by the other two that I couldn't really put names with faces. One had short black hair, skinny jeans (black obviously), tattooed arms, in a batman cut-off shirt, and boots. The other guy had black long hair as well but had black jeans with holes, a black tank top that said "Get Mean", tattoos, and black boots.

I tried to sit up but Ryan managed to rush over to me to keep me laying down. I was almost fully sitting up, then I puked all over myself. I didn't want anyone to see me cry from puking, but I couldn't manage to say anything and tears started rolling down my face.

"It'll be alright, baby." Ryan said as he tried to clean it up and the others were trying not to pay attention to me other than Matt. Apparently, Josh dropped Emma off at Ryan's mother's house considering not everyone could ride in the ambulance and he had said so. Everyone walked out of the room so Ryan and I could talk. "Baby, it's time for another round of chemo." he said and I touched my head, yeah I was bald due to hair loss from my last chemo appointment. I wanted to fight the cancer but a part of me wanted to give up. Ryan could tell the struggle through my eyes. "You can't leave me yet. I won't let you give up." he added. I gulped as I stared at him. I had family that was supporting me and there I was struggling whether to keep fighting or let the cancer win and take me to the grave.

My life was dealt with pain and struggles but I never really gave up. Yes, I had self harmed myself but that was besides the point. I needed to fight this battle and regain my life instead of having this cancer take me alive. I slowly nodded at Ryan to let him know that he was right and I fully understood. He kissed my forehead as he let a nurse take me to chemo and the rest of the guys had walked out to find something to do because just hanging out in a hospital room was really boring.

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