70. Paris time

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Graces eyes slowly fluttered open as Cataleya's loud squeals echoed throughout the minimally decorated condo. Grace lay on her stomach, the covers just barely covering her nude body and the bedding in disarray— pillows on the floor, sheets pulled from the corners of the mattress.

Grace wiped her face sleepily, pausing noticing an unfamiliarly familiar sight— her wedding ring fit snuggly back on her left hand.

She sat up quickly, clutching the white sheets to her nude body as she stared at her ring that had found a new home within her jewelry box the past couple months— twisting her hand watching the massive diamond sparkle as it absorbed sunlight from the big floor to ceiling windows in her room. She wasn't flattered.

Grace ran her hands through her messy, sweated out blow out, looking out of the window at the view of the ocean from her room, watching the sea churn gently— seagulls catching the breeze and coasting by her unit on the thirty something-th floor trying to remember what happened after her second glass of wine last night.

Getting out of bed, she grabbed the black satin robe off her dressing chair and slipped it over her body, pulling her long brown tresses from the back and securing it around her body as she walked out of the room— her and Joseph's clothes thrown about the floor near the door.

Joseph laid on the couch in nothing but his briefs and a pair of socks with Cataleya next to him watching him scroll on his phone.

Random cartoons played on the mounted flat screen, baby toys she was still too young to play with strewn about the living room floor with a bundled up dirty diaper waiting to be thrown away and an empty baby bottle on the coffee table

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Random cartoons played on the mounted flat screen, baby toys she was still too young to play with strewn about the living room floor with a bundled up dirty diaper waiting to be thrown away and an empty baby bottle on the coffee table. It seemed as if the two were having a grand old time making a mess for mommy to clean up when she finally awoken from her wine coma.

"Good morning," Grace said, prompting Joseph to look up.

Cataleya immediately began squealing loudly upon hearing her mothers voice, prompting Joseph to pick her up. "Say it's about time mommy— we was getting bored," He cooed in a baby voice as Cataleya smiled wildly, his smile slowly fading noticing the unamused expression on Grace's faces.

"What's this?" Grace asked, raising her left hand.

Grace hated how sly Joseph acted sometimes, as if he didn't just try to give her divorce papers last night— like he can wave his dick around like a magical wand and fix everything. But him still being here in the morning was her own fault for buttering herself up with too much wine the night before.

"It's your ring," He answered in a duh tone, sitting up holding the baby.

Grace wiped both hands down her face irritatedly. "Joseph do you think this is a game?—"

"I quit Grace alright?— I'm done," Joseph asserted, cutting Grace off and stopping her from going on a bratty tangent, placing the baby against his toned shoulder and rising from the plush, deep seat couch.

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