57. Opening up

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" All of you did exceptional today," The CPR instructor smiled, clasping her hands together as she concluded the class. Grace looked around the room at the other couples quietly— all presumed new parents like herself before staring down at the CPR baby doll with a solemn expression, picking it up from the table.

" You did great today Grace— I'm confident in your abilities to teach your husband when he is off from work," The instructed said sympathetically with a small smile as Grace handed the doll back, mustering up a smile of her own.

She was embarrassed to say the least. Though clearly not alone due to the massive sparkling glacier on her left hand— she felt alone. Grace had begun enrolling herself and Joseph in prenatal classes to prepare themselves for welcoming their new baby girl into the world as her time in the womb was coming to an end in just a few months, but instead of having her partner by her side like the rest of the women in the class she was alone like a single parent.

Pushing through the double doors of the class building, Grace found Joseph pacing around out front with one hand in his Armani slacks and the other holding his phone to his ear, deeply engrossed in a phone call. Grace scoffed to herself, pulling her tortoise shell Givenchy frames over her eyes as she walked past him like she didn't even know him.

" I'mma call you back," He said upon noticing Grace, abruptly ending his call. " Baby— Grace where you goin?" Joseph asked, attempting to catch up to her.

Grace clenched her jaw, stopping in her tracks and turning around to face him. "Are you joking right now?" She asked rhetorically, attitude laced in her tone. "Like seriously Joseph,"

" What— I'm here, I told you I'd be here. Let's go do this,"

Grace poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue, irritatedly as she stared at him. " The class is over Joseph— you missed it,"

" You said two—,"

" No— I said one and you know I said one," Grace scolded.

Joseph exhaled dramatically, tucking both hands into his pockets as he looked around at the other happy couples that were filing out of the building.

" I'm sorry, I had busi—,"

"You had business to handle," Grace interrupted, finishing his sentence and rolling her hazel eyes. If she had a dollar for everytime she heard Joseph say he had 'business to handle', she'd be wealthier than him.

"Why are you tryna do this with me right now?" Joseph asked in a hushed tone, looking around.

Grace curled her top lip up in disgust before letting out a hasty chuckle and shaking her head. "Good-bye," She said, her voice monotone and emotionless as she walked back to her Audi parked in the front row of parking spots.

Joseph followed her to her car, grinding his pearly white teeth irritatedly as he walked. It was like Grace had become a different person since she'd found out about Prie— this was a Grace he'd never met before. She was extremely short tempered now and didn't care for the bullshit anymore— especially Joseph's bullshit. Normally he was able to apologize and flash her one of his charming smiles and everything would be okay, but now it was as if she saw right through him like he was made of glass.

" I said I'm sorry," Joseph said as he held her car door open for her as she slowly slid in.

Grace ignored him, pressing the foot on the break and pushing the start button of her car, bringing it to life.

" Please don't ignore me, you know that makes me mad," Joseph said calmly.

" And do you know what makes me mad?" Grace asked, partially rhetorically as she pulled her thousand dollars sunglasses off her face so he could see her glare. " Your excuses," She spat.

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