33. Moving solo

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" Baby is this really necessary," Grace asked peeking out of the blinds of one of the many windows in their master bedroom that over looked the front of the estate where two armed guards stood like statues. " I think you're being a little paranoid now," She said looking down at her phone which had an active FaceTime call going with Joseph.

" Yea it's necessary and no I ain't being paranoid stop saying that shit," Joseph grumbled bringing his blunt to his lips as he walked out onto the terrace of Alvaro's multi million dollar home over looking the large backyard.

Vibrant green grass blanketed the yard lined with tall lanky palm trees that had a crystal clear rectangular swimming pool smack in the middle that ran the length of the backyard. Joseph's home is large but Alvaro's takes the cake. The mega mansion had a Spanish villa vibe with marble pillars built into the foundation. They didn't have homes like that in New York, if they did he would've certainly gotten one for Grace and himself. He envisioned his children running around in a backyard like that, splashing in the crystal waters of the pool living a carefree spoiled rotten life.

Since his falling out with Dre Joseph had hired around the clock armed security to walk the premises of their estate switching out old guards with new ones every couple of hours like clock work. Grace didn't too much feel unsafe or uneasy like Dre would come and try to harm them but Joseph did and she just thought he was being a little excessive. Grace rolled her hazel eyes at his aggressive tone plopping down onto the foot of their king bed, taking a sip of her wine as she let out a sigh of boredom. Joseph had hopped on a last minute flight to Miami on business with Alvaro leaving Grace home alone in the large mansion.

" What you doin all that huffin and puffin for?"

" Because I'm bored, when are you coming home?"

" I'mma be home tonight baby, go take a bath or something and relax," He offered.

" I already did that," She pouted poking out her plump bottom lip into the camera.

" What you got on, let me see," Joseph asked letting smoke billow from his mouth as he leaned against the marble banister of the terrace noticing she had on something he'd never seen before.

" Pajamas," She said casually holding the camera up above her head angling the phone down so he could get a full body view of the black lingerie ensemble with a matching black mesh robe lined with black ostrich feathers she'd put on after her bubble bath.

Joseph's dick began to throb in his Amiri jeans staring at her curvy body on FaceTime. " You making my dick hard why you don't never dress like that when I'm home,"

" I'm having a rich housewife moment," Grace smiled taking a sip of her wine. " And i would've tonight but you left," She said sassily with the glass still up to her pink lips.

Joseph kissed his teeth. " I'm finna be back in a couple hours, stay up for me so I can take that off you,"

Grace blushed trying to suppress her smile rolling her eyes playfully. " I bet you do Davonte,"

Joseph kissed his teeth. " What I tell you about calling me by my middle name, I don't like that shit,"

" I love your middle name, it's cute," She protested.

" I don't, stop calling me that shit," He grumbled. " Stay up for me for real, imma be home soon,"

" It's already eight babe, I need my beauty rest,"

" You swear staying up past midnight gone make you less beautiful,"

" It might," She jested toying with the ends of her brown hair.

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