31. Reintroduction

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Graces light whimpers echoed off the four walls of her and Joseph's enormous master bedroom as she rode Joseph to the beat of her own drum with both her hands placed on his toned chest for stability and her head tilted up towards the ceiling, her brown eyes shut tightly and her plump pink bottom lip tucked tightly between her teeth. Flipping her long brown tresses over her shoulder she looked down at Joseph who didn't seem to into their early morning love session, a small frown forming on her face as she stopped.

" Why you stop?" Joseph asked looking up at her rubbing her smooth bare thighs with his large tattooed hands.

" Because why are you acting like that?"

" Acting like what?"

Grace kissed her teeth irritatedly. " You're just laying there Joseph, you're not even touching me or anything. You're acting like you don't want to have sex with me," She pouted.

" I do bae, I just got a lot on my mind—,"

Grace rolled her eyes getting off Joseph and out of the bed snatching her robe off the decorative chair in the corner with an attitude and clothing her nude body leaving Joseph laying in their bed with a hard dick. He sighed dramatically before running one of his hands down his face and getting up too, slipping his briefs back on and following her into the bathroom where she stood in front of the shower testing the temperature of the water.

" Grace," Joseph said.

Grace ignored him and continued to move about the large bathroom prepping for her shower as if he weren't standing there. Joseph narrowed his hooded eyes at her before grabbing her by the arm. " You hear me talking to you, don't ignore me," He said sternly.

" Don't touch me," She hissed glaring up at him and snatching away.

" So you mad at me now?"

" I don't even care Joseph," She sighed. " The least you could do since I know you're not going to share what's on your mind is push it to the back of your brain long enough to make love to me," Grace said sassily.

Joseph let out a hasty chuckle shaking his head. " You actin like I don't never fuck you, I just fucked the shit out of you last night,"

" Okay and I wanted to have sex this morning and you're just laying there acting uninterested in me and that's embarrassing!"

Joseph kissed his teeth pulling Grace to him gently. " Stop actin like that wit me for real, I'mma forever be interested in you. You make my dick hard with out even having to do shit I just got a lot on my mind right now bae, give me a break damn," He said, his tone soft as he looked down at Graces bratty expression.

Once again Joseph felt like the weight of the world had been placed upon his shoulders upon learning Richard was in fact still alive. All he could think about was confronting him and how Grace and Emily would react to finding out he was still alive and he was having a hard time acting like there wasn't something wrong because this was so big. Joseph was so used to being in control and having a solution for everything but he didn't know what to do about this situation.

Grace and Emily are the two most important women in Joseph's life and he knows he's going to have to be the one to break the news to them and after the substantial amount of time that has passed, Joseph is certain their reactions will be far from happy. This is going to greatly impact and change their lives forever, even his, and especially Graces and Joseph isn't sure if he wants to subject her to that. It's probably going to hurt Grace worse to learn her dad has been alive this whole time than to still think he's dead.

It's selfish, but their relationship was just starting to get back to the way it used to be and Joseph doesn't want anything to get in the way of that, even if it's Graces own father.

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