12. Got your back

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Grace chewed on the back of her pen as she stared at her laptop screen, tapping the pen up against her full lips. Sighing, she ran her free hand through her fresh blow out before transferring her eyes from the laptop to a notebook that contained pages worth of notes neatly inscribed into the college rule pages about a suspect she was due to type up a report on. If Grace knew the amount of pressure that came with her profession she would've chosen a different career.

The criminal judicial system depended on Grace's expert opinion over the cases she worked on heavily when it came to criminals that tried to plead insanity. While she loved her job and being able to peek inside peoples minds and pick their brains, she got into this line of work because she wanted to help people. Grace hated the stigma that all criminals were terrible people. Just because you made a bad decision doesn't make you a bad person. The love of her life changed her perspective on that.

Though this wasn't the case for everyone, there are things that people go through in life that can alter the chemical make up of one's brain that cause people to commit heinous crimes, some of those people need real help. While Grace never agreed with the cases that she was put on, she didn't judge either. Her job was to be unbiased. Her opinion was the thin line between sending a possibly mentally ill person to be locked away with no help or sent to a medical facility to serve time and get help. Grace came from a line civil servants— her grandfather a police officer, her mother once a lawyer and now a prosecutor, she was bound for this line of work.

Grace read over her report silently to herself seeing if there was anything she could add or should remove. It was kind of like writing a paper for school, ironically what she used to hate to do the most. Her phone began vibrating on the bed breaking her train of thought, she felt for it buried in her fluffy white duvet. Finding it, an incoming FaceTime call from Joseph. Grace couldn't help but to feel butterflies as she fought to suppress the smile tugging at the corners of her full pink lips. It felt like their first time getting to know each other again, a teenage love affair. A lot can change in four years, four years ago they were practically still kids— now 27 and 31 they were adults. Swiping to answer, she waited for the call to connect.

" Hello," She said shyly.

" What you doin?" He asked, holding his phone up to his face.

" I'm writing a report for work, what are you doing?" She asked, looking at herself on the camera.

Joseph shrugged shaking his head, his braids swinging

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Joseph shrugged shaking his head, his braids swinging. " Nothing, come over,"

" And do what?" She questioned, cutting her eyes at him. Grace just had to give Joseph a hard time.

" Keep me company. I'll have my chef make us lunch, bring your stuff you can do your work over here,"

" Mm, I'll think about it," She said with a teasing smile.

" Why you always got to play games with me? You like making me chase you around,"

" Maybe just a little,"

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