Chapter Five

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when I think about Vito and Eva I think of this song.


Kieran was still out hunting despite it being breakfast time. Vito told me I bet some vampire-whore is letting him drain her while he fucks her.

I wouldn't show it but the thought of it made my stomach go all twisty-turvy. 

Vito's eyes stay dark as he looks at me. All breakfast he teases me and taunts me. 

"You're a twig, Eva. Kieran is gone so I am your owner. Finish the plate or I'll finish you over my knee."

I felt my face flush red. I mixed the cut-up pancake pieces on my plate with the maple syrup and shove it into my mouth before I say something I will probably regret.

Vito crosses his arms and leans them on the table while I munch on the food. I feel my stomach fill with butterflies. 

"Why are you so mean to me?" I ask him nervously, afraid he will yell at me for being stupid. 

"Do you use manners with the food you're about to eat?" Vito teases, lifting his eyebrow lightly. 

I huff and take a sip from a big glass of orange juice. I was more of an apple juice girl but Vito said it had too much sugar and not enough vitamins. He wanted me to be fat and full for him to snack on by the time Christmas comes around.

"You are not funny," I tell him. 

Vito glares at me in return.

"Kieran likes you. I have known him longer than you've been on the Earth. You're going to break the dumb motherfucker's heart before the week is over," Vito states matter-of-factly. 

"... like like?" I mumble, fiddling with the fork I was holding in my hand. 

"What?" he grumbled in response, watching my fingers. Maybe he thought I was going to poke his eye out.  I was tempted to try, but I know he has fast reflexes.

"Um, like as a friend... or... like like as uh...," I repeat foolishly, fumbling over my own words. Vito's dark eyes search my face. 

"He doesn't coddle random bitches to be just their friend."

"Ohh," I hum, feeling giddy in my belly. 

"Why... why do you think I will hurt him?" I ask Vito softly, remembering what he said. I was kind, at least I thought of myself as a kind person. I even refuse, still to this day, to step on a crack on the pavement for the sake of my mother!

Vito's face remained stoic. "Either you get bored and realize you want normalcy, or you become a wrinkly old hag who regrets spending her days isolated with the world's most hated monster."

"I think you forget what I am," I remind Vito, "do you really think anyone normal would even look at me?"

"Probably. Push your tits out more and you'll be in the spotlight," he responds, flickering his eyes to my chest was clothed in one of Kieran's old tattered tank top.

"Being nice is free," I mumble, finishing my food and sliding my plate forward on the table. 

"No, it's not," Vito picks up the empty plate and puts it in the washer. I sit and watch him quietly, knowing any attempt to leave the room would result in him following me anyway. 

"Vampires are so restricted on food, Eva. It's not fair that Kieran gets to keep you on tap," Vito says over his shoulder as he wipes down the kitchen countertop. "I'll play nice if you play nice."

My lips frown and I brush my hair with my fingers, not-so-subtly covering my neck. "What are you saying?" I try and clarify. 

"I get mad when I am hungry, Eva. I just need a little bit to satisfy myself. I won't tell Kieran," Vito hums, running his tongue on his bottom lip and waltzing over to me. He buttons the cuff of his sleeve up his arm before crossing them. 

"And this will make you my friend?" I ask, nerves encasing me and he moves closer. 

"Sure," Vito confirms. 

"Gentle," I tell him softly, possibly going to regret what I am about to do. 

I stand up from my chair and plant my butt on the table. Vito stands between my legs and drops his hands on either side of me. He softly laps his tongue on my skin before sinking his teeth into my neck and filling himself. 

Vito purrs lightly as he drinks, being careful like he promised me. After a very long minute, he releases me and wipes my neck clean with his thumb.

"This is going to be easy peasy, my friend," Vito playfully grins to himself, climbing the stairs and going to his room. I sit there in silence and rub my neck with my fingers, praying a hickey doesn't appear. 

I hop off the table and retreat back to bed. I didn't sleep well last night, and after Vito drank from me, my energy started tumbling down.


Kieran is home by the time I wake up. I can hear him and Vito fuffle around downstairs. 

I head to the bathroom first and see the small bite mark Vito left. Luckily there is no hickey from where he sucked. 

I pad down the steps and join the two who seem to be arguing in the living room. 

Both vampires immediately look my way when I enter the room. Vito glares at Kieran before plopping down on the couch. Kieran grins when he sees me, pushing down his annoyance from his friend.

"Hi, sleepy head," Kieran welcomes, engulfing me in a big hug and planting a kiss on my forehead. 

"Did you... eat well?" I ask. I was nervous that Vito was right. Maybe he did find a human girl who was able to satisfy him where I could not. 

"Yes. I missed you," Kieran grabs my hand and sits me next to him on the couch. 

"What's going to happen when Alpha finds me?" I softly ask out of the blue.

Most nights I imagined waking up and Magus being beside me. He controlled me as he wanted and I was his without a say. He haunted me like a nightmare except I knew that this nightmare was real. 

"I will die before he touches you, Eva," Kieran tells me, my eyes filling with concern. Kieran almost senses my doubts and speaks again. "I can't die, Eva. I'm a vampire."

"Oh," I respond, not feeling any lighter about the situation.

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