Uber it is

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Emma's POV

Well damn... Somebody took my bitch.

Was the first thing I thought when I saw Regina walking down the hall with that same tall girl.

I stared at the pair for awhile before deciding it was better for my mental health to interrupt whatever conversation they were having. I didn't like seeing Regina throwing her hard back in laughter so carelessly with That girl.


I walked up to them and cleared my throat. Regina looked to me and raised her brow. Autumn just smirked

" Hey Blondie, haven't seen you in like... Well yesterday I guess."

She laughed in what I'm sure she thought was a charming manner and looked back to Gina who still had here eyes on me.

Autumn gently touched the tip of her finger to Regina's nose gaining her attention.

Excuse the duck outta me.. how dare she.

Regina smacked her hand away and put her stern face back on.

" Miss Sanchez, what have I told you about keeping your hands to yourself?"

"Damn she's so hot when she takes control."

Autumn chuckles and puts her hands up in surender.

" My bad Mommy, you just looked too cute blanking off into space."

Regina's face turned a light red in a mixture of embarrassment at having been caught, and anger from being called cute...  She was probably mad about the mommy part too.

"Wait..did she just call her mommy!?"

" Hey Autumn, show some respect. Miss Mills isn't here for your entertainment." I tried to sound like I was just a student defending my teacher but I think I came off as more of a dick then I ment to be.

Autumn just raised her brow.

" Oh and she's here for yours Swan?
I see the way you look at her like she's a piece of meat." Autumn claps back.

"Enough!" Regina says roughly, looking around even though there's no one here.

" If you two insist on continuing with this behavior I will have no choice but to suspend the both of you. Now good day, I'll see you tomorrow."

She steps back from us and walks down the hall by herself. But not before turning back and rolling her eyes at both of us for good measure.

Autumn and I are left stupified in the middle of the hall, mouths open to offer a rebuttal but no words coming out.

Autumn is the first to recover and she turns to me with a funny look on her face before just shaking her head and walking away without a word.

Meanwhile I'm still in shock because Regina was my ride home.

"Sooo Uber it is."

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