30 (Short)

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Niall sighed as he walks down another hall. He spent about 15 minutes looking for his dorm and he is about to actually ask people for help. He doesn't like to ask for things, so when he walked up to a worker, he grew rather shy.

"Hi, my name is Niall Horan and I'm having trouble looking for my dorm. Is there a way for you to look it up or something?" He asked and the worker smiled, nodding his head. He then started to type on his computer. Niall waited for about 5 minutes until the worker looked up with a big smile. "Well Mr. Horan, your room is 1793. You'll find that on the third floor. You are gonna go to the right and go down three hallways and your room should be in the fourth one on the right." "Okay. Thank you so much," Niall says and shook the guys hand. He grabbed his bags and made his way to the stairs.

Sarah had no problem finding her dorm because hers was practically on the first floor and she had no problem asking for help. Niall was just being stubborn. He would've been in his dorm, unpacking if he asked for help. He just likes figuring stuff out on his own first. There were many times where he got his boyfriends lost in the woods because he took the lead. They were always the ones who asked for help.

He sighed when he got to the third floor and he started to walk down the hallways. When he got to the fourth one, he turned right onto it and he started to look at the numbers. He sighed with relief when he saw his number, but he froze when he saw the names that were on the door.

Liam Payne
Niall Horan
Zayn Malik

There is just no fucking way! He thought to himself and he hurried to put his card in the door. When he saw the green light, he quickly opened the door. To only burst into tears at the sight before him.

"Are you alright babe?" Zayn asked and Niall ran and flung his arms around his neck. Niall hid his face in the crook of his neck and cried. "You guys are so mean." "I thought this would be cute?" Zayn asked with a small laugh. "It is, but I'm calling you mean..." Zayn laughed and rubbed Niall's back in a comforting way. The two shared a soft kiss and the both said 'I love you' to each other before Niall went to Liam to give him the same treatment. "Wait...if the two of you are here, then that must mean that Harry and Louis are here too, right?" "You are just gonna have to see for yourself love," Liam said with a shrug.

Niall walked out of the dorm and looked at the neighboring dorms and he nearly screamed at the sight of the door that was right next to him.

Harry Styles
Louis Tomlinson

He knocked on the door a bit loud, but don't judge him! He's being reunited with his lovers and he can't help but cry and freak out about it. He just thought that he was going to have to struggle in order to make his relationship work (with him assuming that it was going to a long-distance type of thing.) Because even though he said that he couldn't see himself doing it, he was going to try. Because he knows that these men are worth waiting for.

The door opened and Niall cried harder at the sight of Louis in front of him. He tackled the boy with a big hug and Louis chuckled, kissing Niall's temple. "We told you that everything was going to be okay," Louis whispered into Niall's ear and Niall just held onto him even tighter. "Feeling a bit left out over here..." Harry joked and Niall giggled, pulling away from Louis. After he kissed Louis, he ran and jumped on Harry. Harry caught him and held him up by his thighs, which made it really easy for Niall to kiss him. He just loves being held by Harry like this.

Niall cupped the taller man's face and pressed his lips against much softer ones. The kiss was slow and it was like Harry was saying hi to his lucky charm again. At least that's what Niall was getting from it. He loves their kisses so much that he can just have a whole conversation with just their lips.

When he pulled away from Harry, Niall smiled big and kissed the top of Harry's head. "I love you so fucking much. All of you," he said and kissed Harry's head again, making the taller lad chuckle. "I love you too baby. We all do," Harry says and places Niall on the ground. Niall didn't let go though. Because he really didn't want to. He felt like a piece of home just came with him. He feels at peace once again and he just knows how much these boys love him.

"So who was in on it?" "I think everyone. I told your mom when she was planning the graduation party. Zayn told Sarah and Gabe when they came to visit you. I think your mom told Greg," Harry answered and Niall groaned, "So you guys really wanted to tease me?" "Surprise you, yes," Zayn corrects and it makes the Irish boy laugh. "You guys are really sweet and I really don't know what to do so that I can make this up to you." "It wasn't a favor, baby. It was a surprise. Surprises don't need to be repaid. We just did it to make you happy," Liam says, wrapping his arms around Niall's waist when he pulled away from Harry.

"But this is a big thing?" "Yeah. Something big that made you happy. Nothing needs to be done in return. The kisses are perfectly fine," Louis says with a grin. Niall giggled and kissed Louis again.

They all relaxed on the couch that was in Louis and Harry's dorm. Niall was talking to Sarah on the phone, and the two were making small jokes about how panicky Niall was about all of this. Niall tried to make small excuses for it, but even he knows that he was being a bit dramatic about the whole topic. Everything was going to be fine and everyone knew that. Everyone but him. He knows that he should've taken his own mother's word for it, but his anxiety was kicking in so bad at the time.

He's just really happy to know that he can officially relax. I mean, after they had some hot sex, he relaxed. Yeah, Niall really wanted to thank them for what they did for him.

He's so madly in love with his bad boys...

My Bad Boys~ (Zianourry) (Niall Centric) (B1)Where stories live. Discover now