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Playground,December 12

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December 12.
Before dark...

The sky is a orange and red color. No one is around the playground area since it's so late. That's what y/n thought... Little y/n sits on a swing holding a bag of f/c with a scarf around her neck since it's so cold. Sometimes she goes to the playground before dark to have a moment of peace.

She closes her eyes as she thinks back on what happened today. Small foot steps approached y/n stopping right in front of y/n. "Miss, are you sleeping? It's getting darker and colder by the minute." The voice question's Y/n. Y/n decides to ignore the voice. Still keeping her eyes closed.

"Miss?" The voice asks again while reaching out to y/n. Before the voice could touch y/n, y/n grabbed their hand and opened her eyes. They stare at each other for a few minutes "I'm not sleeping, I'm just thinking about something." Y/n responds.

"What is that 'something' you're thinking about?" The voice asks with a curious face. "Things I did today." "Like what?" Y/n sighs before letting go of the voice's hand and closes her eyes again. The voice decided to sit on the swing beside y/n.

"I'm Willow Wyn, but you can call me Wyn!" Wyn beams as he looks at y/n. "What's your name?" Y/n still ignores him. "Even on my birthday no girl takes interest in me" Wyn sheds fake tears. "Happy birthday" Y/n says.

Wyn stops shedding fake tears "Thank you so much! Mis-" "L/n Y/n" Y/n cuts Wyn off. "Thank you so much L/n Y/n!" Wyn says excitedly. Wyn was about to say something but sneezed instead. Y/n finally opens her eyes. She turns her head to Wyn's direction. "You should go home. You're shivering." Y/n suggests.

"I feel warm when I talk to you." Wyn smiles even bigger than before. Y/n gets off the swing to walk over to Wyn. She unwraps her scarf and wraps it around Wyn. "Being sick on your own birthday will suck big time." Y/n finishes wrapping the scarf around Wyn.

"Wyn where are you?!?" A voice shouts from the distance. "Someone is looking for you. Go to them." Y/n states as she grabs his hand to pull him off the swing. "Bu-" "No buts" Y/n cuts him off once again.

"WYN!" This time the voice was very close. Y/n and Wyn looked to the right to see a boy a few meters away from them. Y/n let's go of Wyn hands. Shoving the bag of f/c into Wyn's hands. Y/n starts walking away with her back facing Wyn "Think of it is a Birthday gift, it's my favorite candy so eat it with care." Y/n looks over her should. "Let's meet again Wyn!" As she gives Wyn a toothy smile. She looks ahead walking away.

The boy that kept on shouting for wyn finally made it to him. "Wyn, why did you run off while I wasn't looking?" The boy questions Wyn. Wyn was to busy staring at y/n's figure to answer the boy. As y/n figure disappeared Wyn turns to the boy's direction.

"Sorry about that Daze, I saw someone alone at the playground so I decided to go talk to them." Wyn sheepishly chuckles. "Lets just go to your house" Daze sighs as they walked away.

Wyn's pov

As we were walking I grabbed one piece of f/c and ate it. 'So delicious!' I thought. Putting some of the scarf over my mouth I could smell n/s. 'It smells so good and I feel so warm' I thought again. "Let's meet again Wyn!" Y/n words linger in Wyn's head 'I want to hear her say my name again' wyn buries his face into the scarf.

I hope we can meet again Y/n

'Pure Candy' POSTER
-Wyn is so adorable (≧∀≦)
-spent a hour on this poster just for Wyn 💜

I hope you liked this prologue of y/n and Wyn's first interaction<3 even though it seemed very basic 💀

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I hope you liked this prologue of y/n and Wyn's first interaction<3 even though it seemed very basic 💀

This book is mainly fluff, wholesome, and romance! There is going to be a little bit of violence but not to much.

I would like to hear/read your opinion about this prologue in the comment section!

I think of you all as my lovely readers 🥰 if you have anything to tell me then please do! I love reading comments :D

Have a wonderful day! I hope to see you all in the next chapter my lovely readers

Have a wonderful day! I hope to see you all in the next chapter my lovely readers 💜💜💜💜

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