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- notes!!


BASED ON A POV MADE BY AverySimpinFor5 !!!



- "end now I see you. A little more than I thought I did. Pictures on the floor. I wanna reach out to you a bit." the lyrics of my favorite song played on one of my small speakers.

the song was slow and quiet, I looked around my trailer groaning in frustration at the mess, clothing all over the floor, bottles of liquor, glass shards surrounding the floor.

I rubbed my eyes in confusion. "Where's my lighter-" I whispered, I squinted whilst looking around in hopes of finding it. "ugh! Where is it?!" I complained frantically, without my contacts it was nearly impossible to see anything.

I turned to the table beside me grabbing my glasses and quickly slipping them on, at least I was smart enough to take out my contacts last night.

I looked around my trailer again, finally seeing my lighter. "Finally!" I exclaimed, I flicked my hand to the left and my lighter was soon in my palm.

I looked around before realizing my cigarettes were taped to my waist, "Who the fuck..?" I sighed, before removing the pack from my waist. I set it on the table after grabbing a cigarette from the box.

I quickly lit it, I set my lighter down taking a long drag from the cigarette, I shut my eyes as the nicotine entered my system.

I opened my eyes again and somehow my glasses fucking fogged up, I groaned in frustration quickly taking them off.

i yawned repeatedly, slightly rubbing my eyes, I stared around my trailer again, the sun was slowly rising and my head was throbbing.

"I honestly can't believe I went on another bender.. ugh! Why can't I just get over him! Stupid cunt..!" I muttered in frustration, how is some old hag basically controlling how productive I am!?

I grabbed my locket in my hand. Holding it close to me. I got lost in thought for a moment, as I looked around.

I sighed, "I met so many guys last night, I acted like an actual prostitute! I went against my morals again... and I thought about him the entire time!! Stupid fucking bitch.." I muttered taking another drag from my cigarette.

I rolled my eyes at my cat, who was staring directly at me, meowing and basically judging me whilst he tilted his head.

"Stop staring at me ginger. No I don't miss him. Okay maybe I do.. NOT! He's an asshole why would I miss him?" I complained yet again,

I scoffed putting out my cigarette on a nearby ash tray, I looked across from me staring at a almost full bottle of whiskey, i hunched over the table grabbing the bottle, my stomach hit the cool metal of the table making me wince.

I sat back down, taking a long sip from the bottle letting it burn my throat. "Stupid cunt." I muttered, before rubbing my eyes slightly. I set the bottle down.

I groaned placing my head in my arms, I reeked of cigarettes, alcohol and cherry blossoms.

I raised my head yet again, pulling shirt down as it'd completely rolled up, my pants felt so disgusting.

Bittersweet - aidan g. imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now