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- notes!!

( : ) FLUFF ( # ) KISSING CRAP IG. idk.



There's always a singular problem with love. But I never seemed to find a problem with him.

I've had many lovers. Most of which have lasted less than a month. Maybe it's me. Maybe it's them.

But like I said. I never found a problem with him and I indeed stopped looking for one.

But the problem isn't within him, or me, it isn't within our love. It's society.

Illicit. Do you know the definition of that word? If you don't then I'll explain it.

Illicit is defined as; forbidden by laws, rules of custom.

Our love.

Is forever forbidden. But we've come to an understanding that we're okay with that. We've always been okay with that.

It's always been me and him against the world.

So no.

This isn't a sob story.

It's a story, of true love, something I found within him, something that society won't accept, and will only define as horrifying.

But as I've already explained. We are okay with that because, at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is us.

The only thing that matters is him and I.

Today, I'm seated beside him. Holding him as close as possible, his skin practically melting with mine.

My parents, don't know. I don't think I'll ever tell them. He's hiding it too. There's an understanding that we'll always have each other so why should family be involved?

All I cared about now was his skin touching mine, and his bedroom door locked even though we were home alone.

Curtains closed and the only light emitting across the room was the Christmas-scented candle.

He kissed my cheek softly, his soft lips brushing against my skin, and giggles emit his bedroom.

"I adore you. You do know that right?" Aidan whispered, his green eyes looking into mine as he spoke.

"I know, I adore you too. More than anything in the world." I responded, nuzzling my face into his neck, my hand tightly wrapped around his arm but not enough to hurt him.

"You mean it?" He asked with a whisper, his green eyes meeting mine, his hand tracing my skin.

"With you, always," I mumbled softly, taking his hand in mine, I leaned in closer to him our lips ghosting over each other for a moment.

He placed his index finger on my lips making me stop. "What is it?" I asked, Aidan cupped my cheek in the process.

"What if my parents get home?" He asked in a hushed whisper. "The doors are locked, don't worry," I mumbled staring at him contently.

"But still, I worry." Aidan mumbled, I sighed and looked at him sympathetically, "Okay, let's study then, that's what I came here for in the first place right?" I asked sending him a cheeky smile.

Aidan smiled right back at me, as I pulled away. "Okay let's study." He replied. In response I reached for my backpack, and rummaged through it, finding my textbook.

Aidan did the same, pulling out flash cards, pencils, and a notebook, I reached for mine too.

With a gentle smile, I placed a tender kiss on his cheek, and he responded with a soft shake of his head, but I could see a hint of joy in his eyes as he ran his fingers through his hair.

I propped my notebook on my knee, scribbling down definitions by what I remembered.

After dedicating ourselves to studying for almost an hour, we finally succumbed to exhaustion. We were confident that we had enough knowledge to ace the upcoming test.

I sighed looking at Aidan, I pouted reaching towards him. Even though he was right there I couldn't help but miss him my heart aching for his affection every second I breathe.

I climbed onto his lap, nuzzling my face into his neck, tightening my arms around him tightly but not enough to hurt him. I took in his scent, the coconut from his shampoo was way too comforting.

"You okay?.." Aidan mumbled his voice so soft and comforting it made me want to crumble.


Aidan rubbed his hand up and down my back, before dropping it under my shirt gently rubbing my waist as I held him close.

I pulled away from the hug looking right into his eyes, my hand reaching to cup his face, I leaned forward mere inches away from connecting our lips.


"Please?.. Just for a second." I mumbled, my hand now pushing strands of his hair away from his face. His green eyes indulged me entirely, like emeralds on a pretty piece of jewelry.

Aidan fastened our lips together, a small hum escaping his lips his body relaxing, I deepened the kiss holding his shoulder gently.

I pulled away smiling softly, my heart rate increasing every second.

Aidan's eyes looked droopy, his hand tightened around me leaning back in, our lips connected yet again, his kiss more fierce, and both of his hands reached under my shirt, holding me even closer.

He pulled away his eyes remaining shut for a moment he tilted my neck to the side kissing it gently.

I slightly quivered, my face flushing rapidly.

Aidan pulled back, biting down on his lip. "Sorry, I can't help myself, you're so pretty it's driving me crazy." He murmured, making me flush even more.

I swallowed dryly, I sighed softly, laying my head on his shoulder, and fixing my legs so they were off to the side.

"I've missed you."

"I have to my love."

Bittersweet - aidan g. imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now