826 18 48

- notes!!

( ^ ) ANGST
request by, i_love5



"Oh my-! Could you be anymore ignorant!" I yelled at her, glaring at her with frustration.

"Says you!" y/n yelled even louder, I grit my teeth staring at her. She was being unreasonable.

"You're the idiot who can't do one simple fucking task!" I yelled shoving her, she stumbled back her back landing against one of the pillars in the hotel.

y/n scoffed, her jaw clenching as she stared at me with a deadly look in her eyes. "Well news flash! I'm not your muppet Hargreeves!" y/n yelled slapping me across the face.

My breath hitched as y/n pulled her hand away realizing what she did, I held my hand up to my cheek pressing onto the spot.

My cheek aching. I glared at her, before gulping rather loudly. "You know I wouldn't even care if you died or something killed you." I muttered.

y/n's face softened, her hands tightening in a fistful position, tears began to fall from her eyes. As she stared at me, her face trying to form anger.

Her fists sparked with electricity, as she turned around and left me standing alone. She moved her hand whisking it to the side causing the power in the hotel to go out.

So she was angry. I watched her disappear from my eyes as I slumped into a chair nearby. I stared at the ground bouncing my leg up and down. Soon enough the lights came back on.

I lifted up my head freezing up as my eyes met with Ben's he stared at me a scowl plastered on his face.

"Jesus what the hell do you want?" I asked looking at him confused out of my mind. "Go apologize to her right now." Ben muttered with a scowl.


"No." I grumbled staring at him, his jaw clenched as he glared at me. He stared so hard it's like he was trying to burn a hole in my skull.

"You keep making her cry asshole. She doesn't cry this often over people. So either
apologize, or not. But don't cry when you regret it later." Ben muttered, soon walking away away leaving me alone.

I don't even know what he was on about. We were all going to die anyways. We've already voted on not doing anything.

We're all going together.



Five stared at his red colored hands, drenched with blood as he desperately tried to find life in her eyes.

He held her cheek tightly as she tried to sit up against a wall, she cried looking him in the eyes. His green eyes softening with guilt as his words and Ben's words echoed in his head.

"y/n- I'm going to get you out of here, and you'll make it out just fine. You'll-" Five struggled to find his voice as y/n smiled weakly at him.

"That's a lot of blood-" y/n mumbled with a chuckle as she began to cough, tears falling from her eyes.

"I- I can carry you out- I can help you out! You're alive. You're alive." Five mumbled as he tightly held y/n's hand.

"Five I've been dead for so many years, I haven't known myself for years, at least now I can leave. It's okay." y/n mumbled as she watched his beautiful emerald eyes gloss over with tears.

"I'm sorry-" Five choked in between words. y/n shook her head bring her hand weakly to his cheek.

"You don't have to be sorry- it's okay, I'm going to be okay." y/n mumbled, taking deep breaths as she stared at Five.

Did I take it too far? Five thought. The guilt echoing in his mind as he watched y/n's body drain of it's life.

"y/n- we need to get out of here, I promise you, we'll be okay, you're going to be okay. You'll buy two cats, and you can show me the constellations like you wanted. And- and we can go to college together. I've always thought it was stupid but-" Five continued to ramble.

"Five-" y/n mumbled. Staring him in the eyes.

"We can- prank everyone else, and- you're going to be okay y/n. I can't. I won't let you go."

"Five." y/n mumbled yet again. Five cried as he held her hand tightly looking into her e/c eyes.

"I need to get you out of here-" Five mumbled as his voice cracked.

y/n weakly grabbed the collar of Five's shirt, pulling him in close causing him to stumble forward since he was crouching.

y/n's lips met with Five's in a slow, tender kiss. Both teens tears spilling from their eyes.

They pulled away from the kiss looking into each other's eyes. "Let me go." y/n mumbled as she stared at Five.

It was getting harder for her to breathe. She was running out of time. "No. No. No. please." Five mumbled holding her cheek with care.

"I'm sorry- please! Don't-" Five was left without words as y/n gave him one last sweet smile as her life drained her body.

Leaving her on the ground.

"No- no please- I- y/n! I'm sorry- I'm so fucking sorry." Five sobbed sniffling, as he cried hysterically in front of her.

"I- I need to go back, I- I need to go back in time." Five mumbled, he stared at you, closing your eyes with his middle and index finger.

Five cried hysterically as he propped himself up, preparing himself to go back. He tried and tried, but he was drained. Not even his spatial jump worked.

He sobbed hysterically not being able to look at you. He drowsily dropped to the ground as he cried in his sleeve.

He screamed at the top of his lungs as he cried loudly, his whole body shaking furiously as he stared at the ground his vision blurring by the seconds.

"Fucking asshole!" Five yelled as he hit his head with his fists as he cried loudly. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Five yelled as he cried as loud as he could.

Not wanting to pull himself off the ground.

"I'm sorry y/n." Five mumbled as he stood up from the ground. Turning around crying even harder as he yelled at himself for leaving her there.

There wasn't anything else he could do.

He couldn't save her.

He fucked up again, his whole body covered in goosebumps. All he could feel was regret.

Regret for his words.

Regret for being an idiot.

Bittersweet - aidan g. imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now