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- notes!!


I'm running on like 4 hours of sleep who cares 😭



You know I am never the type to call people names or words because I'm angry. But in this case it's fucking okay all right? Liars. My friends are fucking liars.

All of them! I'm being totally serious here. They told me it was a good chance for me to have some fun.

They stated it was good for me because I always stressed about school. They told me I'd be okay. But now I'm sitting on a random stool from the college freshman student lounge.

Why did they still make these? It's like they were begging the students to party. Point is? The staff doesn't have a fucking brain.

Anyways I feel like shit, that's what happens when you go to a random college party. Not to mention, My supposed friends, who promised to stay by my side were sucking boys faces off, drinks in their hands, Cigarettes in between their lips. There was a few people playing spin the bottle, and seven minutes in heaven.

I gulped my mouth dry. I scoffed standing up from the chair pushing past a few people to get to the coolers. I opened one rummaging through it in hopes of finding soda or some water. Nothing. Just fucking alcohol. Are they addicts?

I sighed pushing through some more teenagers opening the fridge in the kitchen in hopes I'd find some water there, but when I opened the fridge all I could do was frown. The fridge was empty except for a bag of rotten grapes, some packets of hot sauce, and a half eaten potato.

Do they not restock it anymore? What the fuck this is a shitty college.

"I fucking hate this." I muttered. I pushed through even more people sucking their faces off. I opened the cabinets grabbing a random glass. I made my way to the sink opening it for some tap water. Yes tap water. It's better then nothing right?

I waited for the glass to fill up, as soon as it was full, I quickly brought the glass to my lips drinking from it quickly, before the water spilled all over me after a group of teenagers shoved the glass away.

I was wearing a white button up, The water making my shirt see-through. Could this day get any worse? I scoffed. "Hey what the fuck!" I yelled. The teenagers laughed their asses off. I scoffed. I pushed through the mess of the idiots making my way towards the staircase.

"Where the fuck is the bathroom." I muttered. I tripped as I ran trying to find a bathroom. I came across many rooms, many locked. They could've been bathrooms, either people taking a shit or people fucking. Who cares?

I scoffed finally finding a bathroom. I quickly walked in shutting the door behind me. I quickly tried to lock it, being completely disappointed when I realised the lock was broken. "Really?" I complained. I want to go to sleep. I soon ignored the door and soon I was holding a random towel. I patted it on my shirt trying to get dry.

Jeez l/n do you have a brain?

This is useless. I scoffed sitting inside the bathtub. I unlocked my phone. Many messages coming from my parents and family asking how I was doing.

Did they have any idea how much of a hypocrite they all looked like? I ignored them all putting my phone back into my pocket. I leaned my head backwards my head colliding lightly against the tiled wall.

Bittersweet - aidan g. imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now