never have I ever

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It's been about three weeks since I last updated. I think all of you may have already figured out, but I can't see myself making a daily commitment to writing wellston but hell anymore.

It's just not simple to fit writing a story into my daily life, and I have my own personal projects that I tend to work on as well.

wellston but hell will never be discontinued until I say that it will- however many years later the next update may be.

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(Nickname changes will be written in italics.)

John: SeraphinaSimp

Seraphina: Dio


Blyke: DonutMan

Arlo: Gay Fortune Teller

Remi: DefinitelyCheatingOnBlyke

Cecile: Femalewithanerection


Darren: Doc

Elaine: Satan

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[Saturday, 3:00 A.M.]

SeraphinaSimp: hey so

SeraphinaSimp: you guys wanna know what I just realized

DonutMan: what's that

SeraphinaSimp: somehow we've never played never have I ever

Isen: oh please no

Dio: is everyone awake

DonutMan: Remi fell asleep 7 hours ago

Isen: ... eight?

DonutMan: please just

DonutMan: forget about it

SeraphinaSimp: alright well only text if you've actually done it

SeraphinaSimp: I'm gonna go so many damn pings if everyone says "I've never done that"

SeraphinaSimp: well I've got a bunch of cards me and Sera made a few months ago for this so

SeraphinaSimp: never have I ever had sex

Dio: :)

SeraphinaSimp: Elaine and Arlo don't need to answer that question

Femalewithanerection: I hate you all

Isen: same

SeraphinaSimp: no way blyke hasn't

Isen: blyke you gonna say something

Dio: bro's a virgin 💀

Dio: well next card

Dio: never have I ever taken drugs

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