𝗙𝘂𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 (𝗩𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝟳𝟬)

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Fine: guys it's already October 11th and none of you are talking about Halloween

Fine: hell none of you are even decorating yet

Blick: idk man

Blick: the October school paper said they weren't doing anything for Halloween this year

Sera: what

Sera: the random bitch that always came here for Halloween always gave entire chocolate bars

Blick: yeah they said that they can't do anything for Halloween this year because of their budget

Blick: they said they need to build more classrooms

Fine: more fucking classrooms?


Blick: that's what they said

Blick: here

Blick: Octoberwellstonschoolpaper.pdf

Fine: those fucking pieces of shit

Remi: it's okay, they just need to save up money for new classrooms!

Fine: No one fucking asked


Cecile: I remember that one year for Halloween when blyke screamed over some 5 dollar Halloween toy

Fine: that was pretty funny

Fine: where's isen btw

Fine: he's usually up at this time

Blick: oh he said he had something to do

Blick: he left around 4 this morning

Fine: 4?

Fine: the fuck is he doing at 4 in the morning

Blick: who knows

Cecile: John

Blick: oh yeah John why don't you find out

Fine: I'm not using my ability for anything that unimportant

Fine: I'd only use it if I really needed to

Fine: like if the universe was reset or something

Blick: oh okay

Blick: wait isen is unimportant?

Fine: it's fucking isen was he ever important?

84,000 seconds later

Fine: is Isen back yet

Blick: no

Blick: he sent me a text last night saying "My life is ruined, I'll be gone for a while"

Sera: his life was always ruined

Blick: well yeah but I'm not gonna say that

Asslo: I genuinely don't care very much about that filthy, despicable, ugly, dumbass, wears-socks-while-asleep, fatherless, motherless, weak, idiotic, poor, failing-all-his-classes, incomprehensible, stupid rodent.

Fine: he's really using his entire
vocabulary 💀

Blick: fr 💀

Asslo: In short: I don't give a fuck.

Fine: you probably just made him cry lmao

wellston but hell | unOrdinary ChatficWhere stories live. Discover now