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I know most of you might hate me from the gif above but suffer.

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Nickname Changes:

Isen - whydoiexist

[All other names have been unaltered.]

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Fine: I have trained for so long

Sera: two days?

Fine: eh more like two minutes

Asslo: We have a week to build the submarine.

Fine: well get to fucking work you dumbass! smh


Fine: who are we competing against

Sera: well in group 1 there are Evie, Roland, and Terrence

Fine: I don't trust the invisible man

Sera: never trust the invisible man

Sera: group 2 has Illena and the rest of those pieces of fucking shit

Fine: I'll just use an ability or two on that

Sera: group three has Zeke

Sera: oh and Holden

Sera: group 4 is just the seven of us because we will not let Elaine participate before we die

Fine: mhm

Sera: and five isssssssssss

Sera: demon claw girl and wind guy

Sera: I don't care enough to remember their names

Fine: I sent one of them into the air once

Fine: I even stabbed her

Fine: I threw the other one off the roof


Fine: wonder who that could be

Asslo: We will not go into detail about that occurrence.

Fine: basically the guy kept flipping me off so I made him do some flips off a ten story building!

Remiiiiiiiiii <3: ...what kind of flips?

Fine: front flips :)

Blick: uh

Cecile: fuckin run-

some murderous intent later

Fine: gosh this shit is horrible

Blick: what is it

Fine: the second person pronoun

Blick: sorry what?

wellston but hell | unOrdinary ChatficWhere stories live. Discover now