blyke needs even more therapy

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I'm going to start putting dates and times at the beginning of each chapter or just whenever there's a time skip to give the story more context

I'll have military times written under the original dates for all who use that

• • •

Nickname Changes:

Nickname changes will be written in italics.)

John: SeraphinaSimp

Seraphina: Sera


Arlo: Gay Fortune Teller

Blyke: DonutMan

Remi: DefinitelyNotGay



Elaine: Satan

• • •

[Tuesday, 2:38 P.M.]

Leilah: if none of you mind me asking how many drugs do you take each day

DonutMan: yes

SeraphinaSimp: Leilah why do you just randomly say shit every 12 hours

SeraphinaSimp: and then leave

Leilah: I have a job

SeraphinaSimp: are you sure you aren't just having some fun with doc

Leilah: ...well

Sera: ?

Leilah: uh u um nope

Sera: as I thought

Sera: are you even of legal age

Leilah: first of all, yes I am

Leilah: second of all, are you of legal age?

Sera: uh u well you see

DonutMan: I'd say exposed but

Isen: we all already knew

DonutMan: yeah...

Gay Fortune Teller: Don't you all have classes right now?

DonutMan: actually all of us are at Woaba Boba rn

Gay Fortune Teller: ...

Cecile: don't you have class right now though

Gay Fortune Teller: I asked to go to the bathroom.

Cecile: oh where's Elaine

Gay Fortune Teller: ...

Gay Fortune Teller: Do you really want to know?

wellston but hell | unOrdinary ChatficWhere stories live. Discover now