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"I don't know what that is, Teddy!" Oliver sat at the counter with his arms crossed

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"I don't know what that is, Teddy!" Oliver sat at the counter with his arms crossed. "I don't know why we have to eat before we go. I wanted to get Chick-fil-A."

I rolled my eyes, not turning around. "You know what scallions are, Oliver. They're in the fridge." I could hear Oliver get up from where he was seated. "And we don't need to spend money on food every time we go out. It's unnecessary." I turned up the stove. "We're having guests too, remember?"

"Is it Joey and her parents or something?" Oliver asked, closing the fridge. "I thought you didn't like her."

"One, I never said it was Joey and her family. Two, I don't not like Joey, and three, Joey doesn't have parents." I explained. If I remember correctly, she told me she was an orphan.. unless I was wrong, then that'd be really bad.

"Doesn't have parents?" Oliver mumbled. "Like an orphan or whatever? I thought that was just in movies." Oliver would say the stupidest things sometimes, even for a thirteen year old.

"Oliver." I stopped what I was doing, looking at him.

He stared back at me as if he didn't know what he said wrong. "I was just joking, Teddy. Gosh." He reached down into the cabinet to get the cutting board.

I let out a sigh turning back around. This was the average sibling conversation between Oliver and I. I mean he was great, don't get me wrong, but the age difference was just so great that it was hard to relate with him at all, especially in a genuine conversation.

"I cut the scallions for you." Oliver walked over to me and placed the cutting board by where I was cooking the chicken. "These are onions by the way. Just say onions next time."

"Can you cut the tomatoes and potatoes as well?" I moved over to the sink to wash my hands when I saw a text on my phone.

Oliver audibly sighed. "Why do I have to do all this?" He whined as he walked to the fridge.

"I told you that to begin with. If you don't want to eat dinner, that's fine—" I was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I immediately saw one of my cats, I'd assume Pepper, in my peripheral vision jump over the couch to get to the door.

Oliver dropped the knife he was holding and walked over to the door. I already knew who was there, but refrained from telling Oliver just to get a great reaction out of him.

I heard the door open and Oliver gasp. "Daniel!" He squealed loudly.

I turned around with a smile, seeing both my parents standing at the door. Catalina was holding onto Charlie, who was asleep, leaning on her shoulder.

"Hey, Catalina." I walked over to her and pressed a kiss to her cheek. I lifted my sleeping brother out of her arms.

"Hi, baby!" She hugged me. "It's crazy how tall you are, bubba."

I laughed as I hugged my dad. "I think you're just short, though." That was a lie. I definitely got more of my height from Daniel being damn near six foot four. "How are you, Daniel?"

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