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So the song above is what I imagine the type of music Merigold (Teddy's band) would play. This is King Gnu. I love his music so much!


"Wait, what?" I tilted my head

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"Wait, what?" I tilted my head. "Wait I did it wrong... or did I—"

"They're just saying you rushed the part where Joey messed up, and that's the reason she messed up." Alexander, who I knew as the artistic director.. and kind of my boss, told me. "You're not in trouble or anything. You just have to wait until next time to play for a performance."

"Oh," I nervously tapped my foot. I don't even know why I was so nervous right now. If I lost this little gig I do every once in a while I'd be more than fine. "I guess I'll see you next time then?"

He nodded. "Of course." And that was my queue to walk away.

I would always play piano during ballet classes or performances at the Joffrey. I used to do this when my band and I were small and weren't making much money, but now I did it just for the fun of it. It was actually rather enjoyable and relaxing. This was the first time I'd ever 'messed up' anything, and I was sure as hell I didn't mess up.

I left the theater, walking towards the entrance to the stairwell. I had far bigger things to worry about than the little ballerina who thought I messed her up.

I opened the door to the concrete stairwell hearing a loud banging noise, almost as if someone was... I don't even know. I walked down a couple of steps seeing the same girl who danced earlier sitting on the steps banging her shoe down on the floor.

I paused when I saw her. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She immediately turned around, looking at me.

She tilted her head at me. "Why do you care?"

"I–" I shrugged. "I mean I just do. It sounded rather chaotic in here, so... I thought you were upset." She just stared back at me from where she was sitting on the floor.

"If I was upset, which I'm not, it would be your fault." Joey continued hitting her shoe on the ground. "I wouldn't have looked like an idiot out there if you just played your piano correctly. I thought you were supposed to be a professional."

"Okay, one, you didn't look like an idiot, you just messed up, everyone messes up, and two, I am a professional. The only time I've gotten accused of messing up in the three years I've played here is the time I played for you. I'm sure if I did it again there'd be a common denominator." I watched as Joey's face changed from irritated to angry as she continued hitting her shoe on the floor.

Why was she even doing that?

"If it was me, I wouldn't have gotten the role at the audition." She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Go find something better to do." She mumbled.

In fact, I did have something better to do. "K, good luck." I shrugged, walking away from her. "Fucking asshole." I muttered, and gosh she really felt like one.

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