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I picked up my phone after parking my car

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I picked up my phone after parking my car. I was waiting for Aileen to text me back. She'd normally be the type to respond almost immediately, but it'd been about two days now, which seemed a little excessive.

All I wanted to tell her was that I was in the band, and I liked it, and I was happy, and possibly to thank her, but she wasn't responding. I guess I shouldn't worry because she's her own person with her own life and can't go out of her way to reply to my texts.. but of course I was worried about my friend. She was always the type to reply almost immediately.

I turned my head after hearing a knock on my window. Of course it was Koa. "Hi." I rolled down the window.

"Did you want me to walk you inside?" He asked me. "There's cameras out there, and I don't know how you feel about that."

Cameras? I looked out the other window seeing a group of people. Some with papers and some with cameras. I guess these were fans and paparazzi.

"They aren't here for me." I shook my head, getting out of my car. I really don't think they cared much for me at all.

"They don't care. They'll take photos of anyone." He chuckled, walking beside me. "Teddy likes to be really nice to them and sign their things, but I think trespassing is weird."

I couldn't blame him, honestly. "How'd they even find out where you guys rehearse?"

Koa shrugged. "People are good at finding places, I guess." He opened the door for me and waited as I walked into the studio.

"Thanks," I smiled at him. We'd been rehearsing for just a couple of days now, but I was still yet to rehearse with the whole band together. Teddy said there was 'a lot more I had to learn', but I think I had all the chords down. I found it really simple.

"How's working with Teddy?" Koa sat down on the red sofa by me. "Is he nice to you?"

I had to think about how to answer this question for a second. Teddy wasn't mean.. I think he just tolerated me. I mean, I wouldn't be happy if I had to teach the person who was replacing one of my siblings in my band, so I didn't expect Teddy to be. "He's nice." I nodded. "He's just trying to teach me."

"Sometimes he tends to be a little mean." Koa told me. I'm a little sure I knew this already.

I turned back on my phone and went to Aileen and I's texts. She still hadn't answered... of course. I don't know why I thought she did. I may have tuned out Koa for quite some time here. I remember he started talking about some shit that I just really just did not care about, so I chose not to listen.

"Joey..." Koa tapped my shoulder.

I looked at him as if I never stopped listening in the first place. "Yeah?"

"Would you want to go out with me?" He asked. My eyes widened a bit. "Just like... out for lunch after rehearsal."

"Probably not, but I will if you want me to." I answered.

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