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"Joey," Aileen dragged my name out

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"Joey," Aileen dragged my name out. "I know you hear us talking about what we want for dinner. Are you gonna input?" She turned around and looked at me from where she was sitting in the passenger seat.

Aileen had basically dragged me out of my apartment this evening. Since I broke my hand.. or.. since Cisco broke my hand, I couldn't dance anymore. The Joffrey had this dumb rule that if you were injured in any way you couldn't dance at all.

I really didn't know what I was going to do. I only had enough money in my savings to go without a job for a couple months before I was just done for.

"I'll eat anything, Aileen." I muttered.

"Told you." Lucas, Aileen's husband, spoke up. He'd known me just as long as Aileen did, but knew me a lot less. He was really sweet, but much less talkative than Aileen was. They were like a match made in heaven, but I don't necessarily know how.

"I didn't disagree with you, Lucas. I just wanted to make sure to ask her." Aileen flipped down the mirror to do her makeup. "Don't jerk the car for five minutes."

"If you're putting in your contacts, don't do it now—"

"I'm not putting in my contacts." Aileen interrupted. I felt like putting on makeup was just as dangerous as trying to put in contacts, but what did I know? "I'm doing eyeliner, then I'm putting stars, see?" Aileen smiled at Lucas.

"Mhm," Lucas nodded, not looking away from the road. I was meant to be going to dinner with her, Lucas and a couple of friends of theirs, then go to a concert. I was sure it was going to be a fun night, but I really just wanted to stay home. "How does your hand feel, Joey?"

"Like it has six titanium screws and a plate in it." I looked at the black splint that was over my hand. I could move my hand pretty well, but it hurt a lot, and I have a huge pain tolerance.

"She can't dance anymore, y'know." Aileen didn't look away from the mirror. "How long till it's healed, you think?"

"Fully healed? Probably a couple months." I already knew this information, but I felt my heart sink all over again. "I mean her hand was shattered, so—"

Aileen giggled. "Shattered?"

Of course Aileen found that funny.

I sunk back into my seat. The longest I'd really ever gone without dancing was two weeks, so I knew the next few months were going to be a living hell. It was going to be hard enough to find something else for me to do just to keep my head above water, but I didn't even get to finish my lead role as Raymonda.

Aileen was excited as usual once we arrived to the restaurant. I don't get how she could always be so happy about everything.

"You're gonna have so much fun." Aileen nudged my shoulder as we walked towards the restaurant. "Smile, Joey."

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