laenor I

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"When will you be back?" Luke asked him, sadness coating his voice.

He felt his heart crack at the sound of it. He swept the boy off his feet and into a hug, "I'll, at most, be gone a day or two, my boy. No need to be sad."

He shook his body rapidly from side to side, his heart piecing itself back together at the sound of his youngest son's joyous laughter. Laenor thought the cure to any illness rested in his son's laughter.

He put Luke down before turning to Jace, the boy's face was finally cleaned up. No broken bones, just a split lip and a bruised cheek. Laenor was secretly glad Aemond wasn't stronger. It would be harder to look past a broken nose. Thankfully, though, there was nothing of the sort. He doubted Rhaenyra would let him hold a grudge against her half-brother now that she had formed this new bond with him.

Laenor thought it odd at first, but then he saw her face as she looked at Aegon, dreadfully sick in her bed. No doubt she was brought back to when it was Jace. That was a dark time for them all. Laenor spent his days and nights deep in his cups, too afraid to be sober in case the news came that Jace didn't survive the night. Laenor didn't want to be sober for that; he didn't even want to be alive when that news would eventually ring true. Parents shouldn't outlive their children, he always thought. The boys may not have come directly from him, but they were his children.

Jace threw himself at his father before quickly letting go. Laenor mused his hair, joking, "You better be able to take me down when I return."

Jace gasped before a serious expression took over his face, "I will."

Luke was confused, "How will you beat Father in a single day? You're not even good enough to beat Uncle Aegon."

Jace shoved his brother in the shoulder, "I can beat Aegon!"

Luke puffed up, "Why haven't you, then?"

Laenor stepped in between his sons, trying to defuse the argument that was sure to happen, "Must we argue when I'm leaving?"

His boys sighed in unison. He gave them each a kiss on the forehead before fastening his cloak, "Do be good for your mother, boys."

The three of them shared a smile, knowing full well they would cause mayhem, especially if they had a new friend in their uncle. Well, at least, Jace did. Laenor didn't know how Aemond felt about Luke. Perhaps that would change when he returned. A lot can happen in two days. It had only been one month since Rhaenyra and Aurora started messaging each other, and Laenor's tight knit family had already gained two members in such a short time. He guessed he would be getting two more sooner rather than later. He wasn't upset by it; there was plenty of room for them.

He gave his boys one more hug before leaving Jace's chambers. He passed the Queen on this trek through the halls, Criston Cole walking a step behind her. Aemond was following a few feet behind her with head down. Rhaenyra must've been rubbing off on him because Laenor felt a twinge of sadness at the boy's despondent expression. Laenor made sure Alicent and her shadow weren't looking before he quickly tapped the boy as the passed each other. Aemond looked up to find who did it, and his eyes met Laenor's. Laenor winked and smiled at the boy before turning around again, lest the Queen see. He didn't miss the tiny grin that came onto Aemond's face before he turned, though.

He walked faster to his destination, hoping that even though he had just returned from a ride, that Seasmoke was up for another. Seasmoke did love to fly, so he wasn't too worried about it.


The salty aroma of the ocean was carried on the breeze, and Laenor inhaled deeply, letting the smell course through his entire being. He loved the smell of home. He had tried to call King's Landing home even after Criston had killed his Joffrey, but nothing could turn the place around in his eyes. He only tolerated it for his family. He knew Rhaenyra was the same. King's Landing was a prison for everyone who resided there. But now, Laenor was home, even if it was only for a brief time.

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