aegon I

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Someone was speaking to him, and it fucking hurt. The voice was low, like the person talking was trying to be quiet. They were doing a horrible job. Aegon felt like a sword was piercing through his ears into his brain and out the other side. He groaned; it came out croaky and sounded absolutely disgusting. He heard a surprised, "Oh!" before footsteps ran away from him. Good, he thought as he fought through the haze in his brain. Where was he?

His good fortune didn't last though as the footsteps ran back his way, but they were doubled this time. Two people. A soft voice broke through his haze, "Aegon? Are you awake?"

He tried to nod, but he wasn't very successful because the tiniest movement sent sparks of pain shooting from one side of his brain to the other. He decided he would never move again. This was the worst hangover he'd ever had. The brief thought of never touching alcohol again came to him before he shooed it away. He wasn't that dramatic.

A cold hand touched his forehead, and he tried to chase it as it left. The cold was heavenly; he was too warm. Something wet and cottony touched his lips. Water. Whoever had touched him was giving him water using a rag. He loved whoever this was, he decided. He latched onto the rag and sucked. His mind, without his consent, turned the rag into something else. That was a harder thought to ignore.

He wasn't finished drinking before his caretaker pulled the rag back with a gentle, "Not too much, Aegon. We need to see if you can keep down that bit first."

So that's what he was covered in. He wondered why he felt sticky. And not in the good way. He felt the haze coming back, and he knew he wouldn't be awake for much longer. The last thing he heard was the soft voice speak, "Watch him. I'll be right back."

The pain was significantly lessened when he woke up next. His eyes didn't feel glued together anymore. He tried to open them, but immediately closed them when the light hit him. A small hand was placed over his eyes, "Here. Try again."

He slowly peeked his eyes open, the darkness of the little hand was the only thing keeping his brain from betraying him again with shots of pain. The hand very slowly moved away from him, the light trickling in. The person the hand belonged to (hopefully) stopped when it was a few inches away from his face, "Better?"

Aegon nodded, ignoring the tiny spasm of pain when he did so, and croaked out, "Yeah."

The hand fully disappeared and Aegon was met with the round face of his nephew. Why was he in Jace's chambers? Jace turned and called out to the other people in the room, "He's awake!"

Aegon liked his nephews, he really did, but he wanted nothing more than to throw Jace down a flight of stairs at the moment. His nephew's shout made Aegon's entire body tense up as he tried not to curl into a ball and sob hysterically at the pain. He had actually started to curl up before his body disagreed with his actions and he had to stop. His stomach was screaming at him to put something in it while also threatening to empty if he even tried. Jumping out of the window would be more fun than this, Aegon decided. Maybe he really would never touch alcohol again.

He squinted, trying to make out the face of the person rushing towards him. His mother. She didn't know how to keep her voice down either as she fretted over him.

"Aegon, my son, are you alright? Do you need more medicine? Aemond, get the maester!" His mother practically shouted at him. He wanted to wave her away, but his hand wasn't ready to move yet. He wanted to tell his mother to give up the act. He knew she didn't care, so why act like it? Just earlier, she was berating him for drinking and sending him away even when he almost passed out at her feet. Her look of clear disgust was enough to send him away. He, just once, wished his mother would at least act like she didn't absolutely hate him.

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