<The Youngest's Private Life>

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One thing Stray Kids found themselves doing a lot in the process of their forced hiatus, was livestreaming.

In the few weeks since the announcement was made, Chan had been streaming twice a week and telling many stories about the members and their antics.

But there was one member in particular who stays were very excited to see, and that was Jeongin.

Being in littlespace more often meant the occasional cute streams with baby talking Innie and another member.

This week, all three littles decided to stream together.

"Hello! Welcome to Innie's new stream!"

The little clapped his hands, making Jisung clap as well.

Hyunjin was once again in babyspace, which had been happening more frequently as the time went by. He was leaning against Jisung in between his legs.

"Today I have special guest! Jinnie and Sungie!"

Jisung waves to the camera and Hyunjin copied him, smiling widely.

"What you want talk about friends?"

Little Innie always read the comments for questions he could understand and answer.

"Someone ask, what is your favorite toy?"

"I like action figures!", Jisung said, "and Jinnie likes stuffies!"

"Me too, I like all of them! I have lots of dollies. Appa bought me all the toys!", Jeongin happily stated.

Hyunjin pulled on Jisung's shirt sleeve, indicating he wanted something.

"What you want Jinnie?", Jisunf asked.

The baby poked out his lips, pouting. He whined a little while staring up at Jisung.

The other little understood, and turned to the side to grab the pacifier.

Chan had made a bag of little items because he knew they would be streaming together. Over the past few weeks, the littles have grown more independent, with Jisung especially learning how to take care of baby Hyunjin.

He put the pacifier in Hyunjin's mouth and patted him on the head.

The comment section was full of heart emojis and people calling them "cutie pies", "the most precious babies ever", "absolutely angels", and other fond names.

"Where are your appas?", Jeongin read out.

Changbin was standing behind the camera, as he always does when little Innie is streaming.

"One of them is over there! Say hi appa!", Jeongin said.

Changbin came into view and waved to the camera before moving back again.

The three cuties spent the next two hours on stream, answering questions and talking about their lives.

After the stream ended, it was nap time.

Chan and Minho came in to retrieve their babies and take them for naps. Changbin picked up Jeongin and carried him to the room.

Jeongin didn't at all protest, as he was pretty tired after streaming.

Hyunjin had already fallen asleep at some point on Jisung's lap so it wasn't hard to get him to bed.

Jisung loved nap time, and Minho did too, since it was his chance to take some break time after full mornings of energetic Sungie.

"Chan I have a question."

"Sure Changbin, what's up?"

He sat down next to Chan and leaned back on the couch.

"I've been thinking about the littles lately, and Seungmin."


"Well, I've noticed they have a lot of talks together. The littles seem like comfort zones for Seungmin. Like, he doesn't talk to us, but he will talk to them."

"You think Seungmin is hiding something?"

"I do. And I don't want to invade his privacy, but if it's something serious, he can't just rely on the littles."

"I understand. I'll ask him about it."

Chan stood up and went to the kitchen, where Seungmin was about halfway in the freezer, reaching for some fruit pops.

"Hey Minnie?"

"Yeah?", Seungmin replied, successfully grabbing a popsicle.

"I want to ask you, what have you been telling the littles?"

"What do you mean?"

"You guys talk a lot. And we're worried that you feel more comfortable talking to them about potential problems than us."

"That's not the case."

"Then what is it?"

Seungmin leaned against the counter. He looked around before continuing.

"I'm dating another idol. And the littles are a good audience for my relationship stories."

"Another idol? Who? Is it someone we know?"

"Yeah...a member of-"

"Wait!", someone yelled.

Felix entered the kitchen.

"Oop, sorry. I'm on the phone.", he said, backing out of the kitchen.

"Cute.", Chan said.

"Anyways, he's a member of Ateez."

".....why am I not surprised."


"Yeah, but wait. Why did Felix say 'say hi to the other 12' that time?"

"Because I became part of a group chat of idols dating other idols and there were 12 other people at the time."

"Cool, but I'm going to need details on that chat."

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