<These Things Happen>

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(1648 Words)

"Is he awake?"

"No. He and Chan are still sleeping. Why are you up so early?"

"I'm upset. It's my fault Hyunjin is sick."

"No it isn't Felix."

"Yes it is! If I hadn't said what I said, he would be here and okay..."

Changbin put a hand on Felix's shoulder.

"Why don't you show him how much you want to apologize?"


Changbin whispered in his ear. Felix brightened up at the idea, and immediately called in a special order.

In the living room, Jisung was watching Sesame Street. He didn't sleep last night and Minho stayed up with him the whole time.

Everyone else was asleep.

"Hey Bin?"


"How did you get Jeongin to sleep? I know Jisung is tired but he won't go to bed."

The aforementioned little stood up and walked over to Minho, sitting down next to him on the couch.

"Surprisingly, I had to cuddle him for like...an hour.", Changbin said.


"Yeah, but it was the cutest hour of my life."

"I tried that though."

"Maybe he needs music."

Minho took out his phone.

"Hey angel, want to listen to some music?"

Jisung nodded his head and laid down on Minho's lap. Minho connected his earbuds and put them in Jisung's ear.

Soft music started playing, a low tune with a beautiful voice singing. Jisung closed his eyes, intently listening to the music.

"I think it's working.", Changbin said.

"For sure."

"Good morning Jeongin, are you little right now?"

"Nope. Just wondering what the heck happened."

In the farthest bedroom upstairs, Jeongin and Seungmin were waking up.

"Well you got upset when you were left alone. You woke up crying from a nap and the rest is history. That's how we discovered little you."

Jeongin sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"I hope I'm not bothering you guys."

"Of course not! Innie we love you, always. No matter what."

Jeongin got out of his bed and went over to Seungmin's. He wrapped the older in a hug, earning a surprised gasp.

Seungmin hugged him back, smiling.

A knock came on their door.

"Oh good, you two are awake. Come downstairs.", Changbin said.

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