<Baking with 3racha>

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(1258 Words)

Now who exactly would be in charge of making sure the littles didn't burn down the house?

Chan and Changbin of course.

Usually Felix was the one to do the baking. But this time he opted to sit out and watch the madness that is the baking with littles.

Hyunjin had woken up at all the commotion from earlier. He was happy to be feeling a bit better, and decided to join in the festivities of the kitchen.

"So what are we making?", Chan asked.

Little Jeongin came out of the pantry with two cake mixes. He placed them on the counter.

"Cake! Marbwe!", he said.

"Ooo! Wit chocolate icing!", Jisung replied.

"An decowations!", Hyunjin clapped.

Minho was loving all of the cuteness in the room. He leaned over to Seungmin and whispered something.

"I think they're a bit younger than normal."

Seungmin nodded in agreement.

"We better get ready for a show then."

Minho, Seungmin, and Felix sat at the kitchen island and watched the other five boys.

Changbin was preheating the oven. Hyunjin and Jisung grabbed bowls and mixing spoons. Chan was helping Jeongin to find all of the ingredients ahead of time so they could have them all ready.

"Okay we also need eggs.", Chan said.

"How many?", Innie asked.

"Four, because we have two boxes."

"That's lot of eggs. I get them."

He reached into the fridge and took out the egg carton. He opened it and grabbed each egg one by one. Chan took out the milk at the same time.

Jeongin accidentally dropped an couple eggs and let out a loud gasp.

"Oh no! I drop that egg!"

Jisung saw and grabbed the paper towels.

"I help you Innie!"

Hyunjin also decided to help and picked up some loose eggshells.

The three littles cleaned up the mess and stood together washing their hands in the sink. They came back to the counter and helped Chan, who began mixing ingredients.

Changbin was deciding what decorations to put on the cake. He wanted to make little faces like the ones that were on the cupcakes Felix bought for everyone.

"Hey Chan, how big is this cake?", Changbin asked.

"Two layers!"

"Perfect. Which one of you cuties wants to help me make little decorations?"

Hyunjin pushed past the other two littles and ran over to Changbin. Together they picked out the ingredients to make fondant icing.

Meanwhile, Jisung and Jeongin were trying to crack eggs.

"How I do this?", Jisung asked.

"You have to hit it on counter. Like this."

Little Innie gently hit the egg on the counter. It cracked and he was able to open it, letting the inside fall into the bowl. Jisung followed the directions and successfully cracked two eggs while Jeongin did the last one.

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