<The Gang's All Here>

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(1243 Words)
*still not proofread*

Minho woke up confused.

He could swear he was with Jisung just now. What happened?

Looking around the room, he noticed Changbin and Jeongin sitting on the couch in the room. The two saw Minho looking at them and immediately ran to his side.

"Oh you're awake! Good. We were so worried.", Changbin said.

"Minnie, I miss you. Hug?", Jeongin asked.

Minho hugged the little.

"How long was I out?", he asked.

"A few hours."

"What?! A few hours?"

Changbin took a seat next to him.

"Don't worry, you're okay. The doctors gave you some medicine, and a breathing treatment."

Jeongin sat on Changbin's lap.

"Seungmin was crying. He say he scared. He thought you stay sleeping forever.", Jeongin said, moving his hands around.

Minho looked down.

"So he was the one who caught me."

"Yeah, he was terrified. Poor kid hasn't left Chan's side and it took him a while to stop crying."

"Now I feel bad."

"Don't. It isn't your fault you're sick."


Jeongin kept moving around and trying to get up, so Changbin let him down. The maknae proceeded to run around the side of the bed and climb in next to Minho.

"I wuv you! Give kisses!", he yelled.

"You're adorable. But...how come we haven't made the four of you sick?"

Changbin sat back in his chair.

"Maybe we're magic."

"We magic?", Jeongin asked.

"No, your appa is just dramatic.", Minho replied.

"Truth is, we all got tested and we didn't have it. So to be sure, the doctors gave us the new preventative medicine they have to make sure we aren't at risk."


The door to the room opened and Felix entered. He stood by the door and smiled.

"Hi...someone wants to see you."

Minho tilted his head to the side before Seungmin came in, carrying a very little Jisung on his back.

"He went into babyspace shortly after you passed out.", Seungmin said.

Felix explained how the doctor gave them permission to let Jisung go home. They were going to run a few more tests on Chan and Hyunjin to make sure they would be safe to go home.

"They said to take a few weeks rest to fully recover. They gave prescriptions for you all.", Felix continued.

Seungmin had put Jisung next to Minho. The little was laughing at his caregiver who made silly faces.

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