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Hyunjin's POV

I went after Y/N that other day but she wasn't anywhere. I was going to head over to her house but I stumbled upon a bar. May was in there.

There were guys all over her so I went in. I had to help her.

I sound like I don't enjoy her presence but she can be a handful. Both her and Y/N really.

"HYUNJINNNNNN!!!!!" May yelled out at me.

I tried to shush her because she was being super loud.

"Lets go home"

May starting singing on the way back as she tripped a few times.

I never realized how May was until I met her recently. She would always follow me before but that was when I was with.... yea.

After dropping May at her house i stayed there for a little bit to make sure she sobered up.

I decided to text Y/N making sure she got home as well.

I really needed to sort things out with her.


Did you get home safely?

sent at 12:09.

She never replied, she probably went to sleep or something.


The next day I ended up crashing at May's house.

Me and May... we say we are dating but it's not really like it sounds.

She just fills my empty space when im not with the guys or with Y/N. It's just a different feeling.

And with Y/N its like my childhood and past is now healed. With that person who was with me through it all.

It's confusing I know.

I'm confused as well but I really like both of them......

Do I?


Me and May ended up going to this amusement park for the day. I suggested we went to the MAXIDENT Amusement Park because Y/N and I have gone there. So I knew my way around.

"WOAH THIS IS SO PRETTTYYY!!!" May said as she turned back to me.

I was wearing a hoodie with my camera around his neck because May wanted me to take pictures of her.

We went around doing everything there was. But is it bad that I can't get those tiny thoughts of Y/N out of my head.

Of her smiling as we took photos with the characters around the amusement park.

I was even hallucinating a little bit because I thought I saw her in the background of the photos with May.

But then again...



After a while she wanted to go ride this big ass rollercoaster. It was scary. I remember when I refused to go on with Y/N thousands of times. Insane.

So I gave in and decided to go with May.

"Have you ever rode this before?! It seems so fun!"

I looked at her and chuckled shaking my head. Its best for her not to know ive been with Y/N out of all people.

In the line I overheard my name but my name is common around here so I didnt turn back until I heard it for the second time.


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