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Y/N and Minho walked to class. It was quite silent. the awkward one. usually it's not like this, the atmosphere was just different.


They both said at the same time making them laugh.

"You go first" Minho said signaling for her to talk.
Y/N didn't really want to ask but she just wanted to... you know.. check up on her friend.

"are you sure you and jisung are fine? You just seem quieter than usual" Y/N blurred out. She was curious and she didn't want to do nothing. They are friends right?

Minho giggled as he noticed that her facial expressions. She looked like she wanted to take back what she said, but at the same time she didnt. Minho patted her head softly saying "i told you not to worry about it. didnt i" he replied with

That's not the answer she was looking for....

Yet she brushed it off.

'I wont get involved then' she said to herself. Probably the best idea, focus on self...

They got to class and headed inside. Class wasn't that fun like always. Y/N was just on her phone the whole time, luckily there was a sub so she was safe. As in not getting in trouble.

She looked at the clock most of the time waiting for class to end. She was going to skip her second class and go home since she forgot her wallet. Plus she was also using that as an excuse to go see Hyunjin since he doesnt have a second class.

Class finally ended. It felt like forever, longer than usual.

She ran out of class saying bye to Minho as he chuckled once again.

"Slow down-" He tried to say because she almost tripped. That girl never pays attention..

He realized that he should go talk to his JIsung. He needed to talk, he did something that he hopes Jisung can forgive.

After that night 3 days ago,, Minho and Jisung headed back to Minho's house to relax. 20 minutes passed and Jisung called to Minho

"Minho, can we talk"

Jisung finally decided that they needed to talk. They havent really had a real talk about this yet. Minho who wasnt paying attention, playing his violent, yet usual games.

Jisung called his name a few more times getting more annoyed as the minute passed. Honestly I would be annoyed too... but my opinion doesnt matter right now.

"Minho!" He said as he unplugged his game. Minho stood up "what was that for?!"

"I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you right now but you're not listening!" He said as he was upset.

"I said I would listen after i finish, I was on the last level!" Minho said flipping his hair back roughly.

Jisung scoffed.


"Okay, what is it then" Minho rolled his eyes and sat down on his couch. Jisung sighed. As much as he was annoyed.. he had to talk about it.

"I dont know how it happened but.. my parents found out about 'us'"

Note that Jisung parents weren't the most supportive on these type of stuff, in general. But now that they're son is involved in this. They weren't too happy.

"Well we couldn't hide it forever" MInho replied with. Still with the attitude.

"What the hell... do you not realize what this means. You know how freakin strict they are!?"

MInho sighed and stood up facing Jisung. He was just in a crappy mood.

Probably not a good idea for that right now. Jisung was feeling pained. And his own boyfriend wouldn't even listen to this. Just because of a game that he turned off? What was it? Couldn't he just listen for once.

"Then what was the consequence, they're your parents.. shouldn't they understand" MInho said rubbing his forehead as if he was tired.

Minho stop. It's not helping the situation.

At this rate Jisungs eyes were watering just a bit. But it was all about to happen. He was about to have a breakdown but he held it in.

He didnt want to be a baby

"You know what, it seems like you dont care at all anymore about what the consequence is..Like if i said my parents are making me transfer just because of this" Jisung scoffed and wiped his tears off. Minho got caught off guard when he heard that.

"Transfer?" He said with a stutter

"Oh so now you care" Jisung said angrily yet upset. He grabbed his jacket and headed toward the door. Jisung let out a loud sigh. Well loud enough for Minho to hear. And for his heart to break slightly. "How about we talk about this next time... i cant do this anymore right now." Jisung said as he left.

MInho didnt stop him. Nothing. He was too shocked to speak. He couldn't even move.

He wanted too.

But he didnt.

Minho looked around for him and saw him walking alone with Chan. Minho sighed and went up to them but stopped as he saw Jisung leave chan heading up the stairs. For some reason Minho felt like Jisung was walking a little bit faster than he was a second ago.

So just like Jisung, Minho walked faster realizing that Minho knew he was there. Jisung walked faster trying to avoid him at all cost. It made him giggle a little thinking that it was stupid .

'What in the wattpad am i doing' He said to himself.


Y/N left school walking by herself with her earphones plugged in admiring the sky above her. It was beautiful once again. She got home and opened the door to see Ten sitting there.. looking at papers. Ten saw her and put the papers back into the folder.

We all know what those papers are. I guess he figured out what hes doing..

"What are you hiding...." Y/N asked and ran up to him smirking.

"Nothing.. why are you home, dont you have school" He asked trying to switch the subject.

Y/N replied with "Im skipping this class since i forgot something at home. Plus its pe" She said loudly since she went inside her room to get her wallet and some snacks from her secret basket.

Ten sighed and asked another question "what are you doing after school?" He asked her

"Meeting up with Hyunjin" she said happily thinking about him once again. Trying to go faster so she can head back to school to see him.


That's all he answered with. It sounded urgent so she stopped and thought for a second

"I can always cancel it if you need me.... Ill just have to leave right now to see him" she said trying to find a way to see him still.

"Nah we can just talk during dinner or something" He said standing up to go toward the door where she was standing.

She nodded and left. "See you tonight then" she said with a smile as she left to school.


She finally got there seeing that there was still a good 20 minutes left before her next class. She texted hyunjin asking where he was. But no answer. So she just went around looking in places where he might be.

Found him.

He was in there little hangout spot.

Something shocked her tho.

"who are you?"
"who are you"

The two girls said to each other as Hyunjin stood there in shock.

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