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Y/N headed out to hang out with Somi. She took off her jacket since she didn't want her brother acting all overprotective like he always is.

Y/N entered the restaurant noticing Somi giving her a big giant hug.

"Congrats" giving her a little smirk.

"Thank you thank you" Somi replied as she bowed. Y/N laughed until she noticed something off.

"Wait are you sure this is the right table Somi?" The table was big, she was expecting those small little tables just for the two of them? But this table had quite a few seats.

"Oh I invited the guys....." Somi said to Y/N. "you and hyunjin can hang out and everything too! Arent I the best friend you could ever have" Y/N smiled. She was really excited to see him tonight since she couldn't talk to him earlier in the day.


Y/N went to the bathroom and as she was in the bathroom, Hyunjin and the guys came in one by one after each other taking a seat.

"that's y/n seat so don't sit there"

Hyunjin remembered what May said. He really missed the fact he could get any girl to hook up with him. it was the thrill of his life? he really did like y/n too but it feels weird to him having to focus always on her. he called it immature at first but he couldn't help it.

'I'll talk to her another day' He thought.


Y/N came out of the bathroom and bowed as she saw everyone ordering already. She made eye contact with Hyunjin and gave him a little smile. He smiled back but it wasn't a real meaningful smile.

Y/N took a seat next to Hyunjin and Hyunjin took a look at her outfit feeling a little protective since she was wearing a black leather dress.

He handed her his jacket and put it on her legs.

"Thanks" she whispered to him as she held his hand slightly under the table.


They all ate and talked like they always do. Everything felt the way it used to be when they first met. laughter everywhere. it was everything y/n loved.

"I've decided..." Somi started.

Everyone turned their attention to her.


Everyone's eyes widened. Seungmin and Felix were very excited with that news and begged everyone to agree.

Hyunjin wasn't sure if he wanted to go or not. He also promised May to help her with some other things. But things are crazy right now so he can't decide.

"I'm gonna step out" Hyunjin said.

Y/N looked over and just let it be. She was just excited to go on a trip. She wanted to get away for a little bit. Somi suggested Jeju Island too and she hasn't visited since she was little with her parents. These kids here are like her second home.


"Hey are you free to talk right now" Hyunjin said on the phone to May

"Did you talk to her..." May said sounding a little drunk.

Hyunjin didn't answer noticing her off tone. "Did you drink?" She mumbled something sounding like she said yes.

"Answer me first." May said forcefully

Hyunjin sighed. "I haven't seen her all day so I haven't been able to talk. But my friends all wanted to go on a little trip to Jeju.. I was planning on telling her there" He was kind of just pushing out ideas from his mind. It didn't feel right. But it also felt like the only solution.

"How about you invite me too!!! I know Jeongin! I can talk to Jeongin so it doesn't sound so suspicious at first.. then after you talk to Y/N.. we can have our moment together at Jeju!!" May was drunk. Really drunk. "Wait what aboutz..." She got a better idea. she wanted Hyunjin to herself and that's a fact. Y/N was a pretty, nice, kind girl and May already felt second to her.

She's been 2nd all her life and she finally got Hyunjin. It was greed but it also felt right.

"I don't know May."

"What about-" Hyunjin started.

May then hung up the phone to avoid any other ideas like Hyunjin dropping her and being with Y/N.

She really wanted to go to Jeju with them now.


Hyunjin came back in and sat down smiling to Y/N. She smiled back as well.

Everyone else were playing mini games on the side. Y/N felt like this is a world where only she and Hyunjin mattered. Well in that moment if anything..

"You good?" Y/N asked after she also noticed she was out there for longer.

He didn't answer. Just nodded.

1 hour later

Everyone was finally leaving and heading home. Y/N was drunk so was everyone else. They all went home the same way and Y/N just flat out thought Hyunjin would walk her home.

"I forgot something at the place, you go home first."

Y/N DIDNT want him to leave and whined. "Come onnnnnnn, don't be a brattt" Grabbing his arm she pouted softly. He chuckled but said softly back "I'll call you in the morning"

Y/N rolled her eyes dramatically and walked off.

Hyunjin left rifht when the rain started to pour. Because it started to pour Y/N didn't have an umbrella, because of that she had to take cover under a closed coffee shop.

Her house was still a little farther then she expected. Ten wasn't answer his phone. No one was really.

Y/N was feeling emotional. Probably because she was just drunk. She cried softly. "Why isn't no one coming to help."

"What are you doing here alone Y/N" He said holding an umbrella over his head.


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