Chapter 8

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"Not...Not that bad?! He ghosted me when I needed him, he left me too. He betrayed me, he told...he told Lucius about everything I said. He was my best friend since we were babies, but alas all good things come to an end. Why do you think I didn't come back to the dormitories straight after the meeting? Why I didn't eat for a week after? Why I have....."


⚠️ Trigger warning⚠️

This chapter will contain talks of attempted Su!c!de, talks of eating disorders and body image, talks of declining mental health, and mentions of abuse and insecurities.

If this is something that you struggle with or are uncomfortable with, I recommend skipping this chapter completely.


I am not writing this to be funny, quirky, or to grab sympathy for my character. I am not in any way trying to be disrespectful if anyone finds that I wrote something offensive or did not write something correctly. Please tell me so then I can fix it.


~Maise's Dairy~

First year, May 10, 1990

Dear Diary,

As always I am writing in this thing again. I don't know why I even bother. It's all a waste of time, isn't it? I mean life, living, loving, and family. It's all rubbish! No matter what I do for my father, he always ends up hurting me.

I know Draco also suffers, but he always takes the blame for me. If I speak to Professor McGonagall the wrong way, or sneak out after hours and get caught, he always takes the blame.

He says it's because he is older and I'm his responsibility, but he is only 2 minutes older! I am capable of handling father myself! I hate seeing Dray getting hurt. I'd rather it be me!

I don't understand how I feel today though. Father had punished me again. It was a stupid mistake.

Draco and I were learning Occlumency and Legilimency. Draco was always smarter than I was. He figured out how to do it in a matter of days. While I still can't figure it out!

Since Draco figured it out he was trying to go through my mind, he got in every time, what a surprise. Father had enough of my screams and grabbed me.

He dragged me to the drawing room. He...slammed me against the wall right as we entered. He did a spell...that held me against the wall..... Vines growing out of nowhere began tightening around my wrists and legs, as well as my neck. He kept yelling at me. Calling me....a forgive my language but a...

- 'Dumbarse'
- 'A Mistake'
- 'Disgrace to the Malfoy name'

He said a lot more words I didn't understand. He then made the vines tighten more. I felt as though I might die. I was losing air. To make it worse he pulled out his wand and started to use this curse called crucio on me. My body fell limp, I couldn't move any more!

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