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"And.....That's game!" The announcer said as everyone from Pinwheel High started cheering—clapping their hands and yelling out their happiness—as families, mostly mother's ran to their sons as they hugged one another.

"And we couldn't have this win if it wasn't for our team captain, Jun!" One of the team members said as he looked back at the Chinese boy—who was giving a high five to another teammate with a cocky smile. The stadium started cheering as Junhui walked up to the mic to speak.

"First off, I wanna say thank you to you guys for supporting our team, it means a lot to me and the team. I also wanna say thank you to my teammates for having a good play; great job today guys. But most importantly, I wanna say thank you to my mother. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for her, she has been my biggest supporter and so I love you mom. Good job to the other team as well, they did amazing. Thank you everybody and goodnight! Go~ Carats!" Junhui finished his speech as he blew a kiss to the crowd with a smile.

"Go Carats!" Everyone cheered after the team captain and started to head home. "Good job out there boys" their coach—coach Min—congratulated them, "especially you Wen" coach Min stated pointing at Junhui.

Junhui had a sly smile on as he continued to change out his jersey and back into his normal comfortable clothes.


"Hao! Did you see? Our team won the basketball game last night! Hansol was so amazing last night!" Seungkwan—a sophomore at Pinwheel High, aka Minghao's gossip friend—said saying the last part in a daydream-like tone as he walked along side Minghao. "One, I don't watch or play sports; you know this Kwan. Second, you told me many times that Hansol looked amazing while throwing a ball across the court. And third, that's their fifth win this year?! Let me guess..." Minghao stop as he turned to look at Seungkwan.

"The team captain made the last shot for the win" Minghao said matter-of-factly. Seungkwan nodded as they started walking again, "good guess. It's like you were there. Were you?!" Seungkwan exclaimed narrowing his eyes at the older, "No Kwannie. I just remember from the last four games you told me." Minghao said as he started putting his books into his locker.

"I suppose you're right...." Seungkwan said trailing off, Minghao gave him a look before going back to whatever he was doing in his locker. "Anyways! There's totally something going on between Soonyoung and Jihoon. If you were at the game last night, you would have seen the sprinkles in Jihoon's eyes as he eyed Soonyoung" Seungkwan said as he began his gossip rant, making Minghao sigh.

"Pretty sure it was just the lighting of the place that was making Jihoon's eyes sprinkle" Minghao said and just before Seungkwan can say anything, the bell ring saving Minghao from being corrected by delusional statements.

The two friends went separate ways as they headed to their classes. Like always, Minghao was either the first or second person to enter his first period class. Today, he was the second to enter as their school's president, Jeon Wonwoo, aka Minghao's best friend, was seated in the middle of the first row closest to the door.

Looking up from his papers, Wonwoo noticed Minghao who was walking down the same row as him. "Hi Hao, how was your morning?" Wonwoo greeted once the younger was in earshot. Minghao sat in the seat behind Wonwoo as he answer the older's question, "Good besides the fact that Seungkwan talked my ear off about the game last night. What about you Wonu?" Wonwoo sighed as he turned to Minghao.

"The usually, school president stuff. The school is planning a fundraiser for homeless children who don't have the education they need" Wonwoo stated as he showed Minghao the planning papers. "You should totally do a festival kinda thing where some students can setup booths and sale stuff they made. With the money they earn, it can go to the children in need" Minghao suggested.

Wonwoo nodded, liking the idea as he said, "I'll think about it" he turned around and started writing the idea onto the paper as more students started flooding in as class was about to begin.


"Good job last night Jun!"

"You did great last night Jun!"

"You did amazing Jun! Nice shot"

A group of junior girls said as they surrounded Junhui and his teammates' table. Junhui force a smile as he said a small 'thank you' to the girls, already getting annoyed with their presence.

"So what are you guys doing after school today? Maybe we can all hang out somewhere" a girl with short brown hair said as she lean onto the table, trying to show off her A cup boobs. "Sorry girls, we gotta go straight home after school and do homework so we can keep our grades up. Don't want us kicked off the team right? And plus Jun here has to help his mom out at work" Seungcheol said with a fake sad tone and a simple white lie.

Which wasn't entirely false, they do have homework to do and junhui does have to help his mother out at the family own daycare. But that doesn't mean they have to do it as soon as they get home. The girls pout and said that maybe next time they could all hang out—which will never happen.

When the doors to the lunch room open, the group of boys swore they hear angel-like music play as the two angels of Pinwheel High enter the cafeteria.

-Yoon Jeonghan, senior, can literally have you and your whole family killed with just one call to his dad if you were ever to look at him or his friends sideways.

Is actually really sweet once you get to know him, parent of his friend group.

-Hong Jisoo Joshua, also a senior, a literal angel. Is the most sweetest human being to ever exist. Always ready to help others.

Is Jeonghan's bestest friend; knew each other since they were babies.

The whole lunch room went silent once a huge dramatic gasp was heard from none other than Yoon Jeonghan himself.

-Forgot to mention, he's dramatic as hell.

"Who did this to my baby!" Everyone heard him exclaim as he cupped one of his friend's face who had a black eye coming in. The boy mumbled something which resulted into Jeonghan to dramatically gasp again.

"Chan, it is not okay! Your eye is literally turning purple. Let's take you to the clinic, lunch can wait. Shua watch the others while I'm gone." Jeonghan said as he dragged Chan out the lunch room.

Everyone went back to what they were doing as Jisoo sat down at the table. "He really does have to put on a show for everyone, doesn't he?" A girl with long black hair said as she walked over to Junhui and his teammates.

"Anywho, hey Junnie" she said as she kissed Junhui's cheek, "hey guys" she then greeted the rest. "Hey Seonhee" the guys greeted her back with a wave as they continued to eat.

"Hey babe, where were you?" Junhui asked as he wrapped an arm around Seonhee's waist, "my teacher held me back because I needed to finish a test" she answered and Junhui nod as he slide over his tray so that she can eat.


Eeeek!! First chapter out!!!!

I'm tired asf, so I'm heading to bed now

I hope you guys will enjoy this book

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote,comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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