Chapter Thirty- Two

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She was flying on one of Sai's birds, with Sasuke's body tied in front of her. It was mostly a precaution to ensure his safety but it still felt cruel. Sai himself was right next to her on a bird of his own. He frequently turned his gaze at her but he never spoke. He was against her plan and she knew it but he had agreed in the end. It was a gamble, a risk she had taken that didn't know exactly how it would play out in the end. She had figured that Sasuke was poisoned with something that had twisted his mind. She didn't have the skill or the time to explore more of what it actually was. She believed it happened in his last mission and it was something that was meant to trigger later. Propably when they would have already arrived to Suna. The very place she was taking him now. She bit her lips in uncertainty. She wondered if she was making a terrible mistake by bringing him to the place the enemy wanted. But it was the only option she thought that would might save him. Shino was there and she knew that he had spend months with Sunagakure shinobi developing insects meant to counter poisons. Sakura was great, the very best, along with Tsunade but they were two and the world was large.
Their research had brought back results, Shino had wrote to her in a letter. She hoped that he would be able to save him.
And even if he was there, even if he was on a murderous spree, Hinata had made him useless. And she kept making him numb and blind when she traced his chakra coming back. It was all she could do and she cursed herself everytime she did it. She had blocked the chakra paths on his eyes for a fourth time. Everytime, he screamed in pain and he cursed her with words she never wanted to hear. Yet it felt suited because she was the one that caused his pain.
She didn't know if Gaara would agree, if Konoha would be fine with her decision to take one of their own loose ends to their neighbours but she could only hear Sasuke's agonizing screams and the tears on his eyes could not leave her mind.
She tried to caress him but he shouted at her and she stopped. It was not the time for that. He couldn't understand that it was her and she burdened him more with her selfishness.
Her gaze travelled at front and she saw the golden buildings of the Sand Village at the horizon. She turned her head to Sai and he was already looking back at her. He said nothing but she could almost read his eyes. I hope you are doing the right thing.
They landed on the gate, despite the fact that Hinata wanted to rush into the hospital. Sai was adamant about this. And she could not do anything since he was the one controlling their ride.
Gaara was at the gate. His siblings on his side. A letter had come before their arrival, informing them briefly of the situation.
"Hinata-san, Sai-san." He bowed and she was grateful that he was being in the position of the Kazekage. He was a humble and gentle soul, this man.
"Kazekage-sama." They both said in unison.
His green eyes travelled to the man resting still on the ink bird. He wasn't screaming now. His voice was long gone but he still tried to speak leaving hollow and harsh noises.
"I understand that Uchiha Sasuke is poisoned and somehow that turned him back into his old habits." He said queitly, returning his gaze on the shinobi at his front.
A scoff was heard from his side. His brother had crossed his arms, staying closer to his younger sibling.
"As if he needs a push to do that." He said at last.
"My brother thinks that I should turn down your request." Gaara said calmly.
"He believes that is irrational on my part to let such danger to cross the border of my village and it is my duty as the Kazekage to protect it from the harm."
"Damn right it is." Kankuro said again and Gaara smiled.
"Kazekage-sama please. He can't do anything. I have blocked his chakra paths. I will keep doing until we figured it out." Hinata said almost begging.
She met Gaara's gaze and she saw the concern in them.
"We are allies." Sai said. "If it was vice versa Naruto would never hesitate to help you."
"Oh shut up." Kankuro snapped. "That is a low trick. You only mention him to make Gaara agree."
They all opened their mouths but it was Temari's steady voice that heard.
"Do you understand what you are asking of my brother? If your plan fails, he would have give permission to a dangerous criminal to enter our village."
Hinata understood. They were trying to protect their sibling. Gaara was a kind person. They needed to protect him from the dangers that would come on his path. The three reminded her of the team eight years ago.
"Still. What Sai says it's true. Your idiot Hogake would not hesitate."
"Temari." Kankuro yelled.
"I will not lie. Gaara is the one that decides what happens."
"Are you sure?" Gaara said, looking at Hinata's eyes. "Are you sure you can keep him steady?"
She nodded.
"I don't know if we can provide him a cure, but Naruto's friends are my friends too." He said and walked to the side as a welcoming gesture. She heard Kankuro scoff once more but she couldn't master any ill feelings. He was protecting a person dear to him. She briefly saw Temari with a small smirk on her face. She looked proud of her brother.
They flew with the bird on the destination. It was better to avoid the busy streets of Suna with Sasuke in that state.
The moment they arrived a team of experts took him and placed him on a hospital bed. They restrained him with ropes that Hinata knew they would be pointless if he had his senses. Sai left with Gaara to contact Konoha and wait for further instructions.
She waited outside the room if her power was needed. She bit her nails out of anxiety and she wanted to scream from her panic.
She felt the chakra before she turned.
"Shino-kun." She hugged him, because she had missed him, because she was glad he was here, because her only hope lied with him.
She felt him embrace her.
"I know. I will try my best." He said before he took a step back.
He walked towards the door but stopped and turned to her.
"Hinata. I missed you." He said before he was lost inside the operation room.

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