Chapter Twenty-Seven

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He was angry. And in the madness his mind held, he turned around. He could keep Hyuga as a friend. Why did he think that he had to distance himself for her and Naruto to be closer. They could still enjoy each others company. As he walked in urgent to the place he had left them, he questioned why he had found it impossible for him to keep her around as Naruto would be closer than before. A decision he could not understand and explain no matter how his brain tried. He returned to the restaurant only to find they had left. He searched for their trail like a shinobi on a mission and when he found it, he followed it. He didn't stop to think what he would say, he only walked to the direction as he felt like it was crucial to find them quickly. He spotted them from afar on a side, non busy road. When they stopped and he saw Naruto kissing her hands, Sasuke found the answer to his question. He realised the reason why he cut his ties. He hid behind a tree and silently watched as his best friend finally understood how wonderful Hyuga was. He couldn't hear them from this distance but his eyes offered enough. He retreated to his house and shut the door behind him. The windows didn't open for the next three days. He heard the knocks, and his name called but didn't bother to answer. Naruto had come but he was in no condition to face him. His usual nightmares had decreased and the accusations in the silence had transformed from the voices of blame to his own bitter regret. He drunk and even smoke a pack of cigarettes that Nara had offered him when he was finally back. He remembered his words as clear as day. You will need this. But the man spoke then about the stress of the work that had to be done in the village. As his breath left his mouth and the last cigarette burned on his hand, he felt disgusted about the sorry state he was in. He got up and took a bath. A mission was all he needed. To fill his mind with strategy and enemies and a way to defeat them. To move his muscles and throw away the tension in battle.
He left his house and run on the roofs of the village to the Hogake tower. The window was open and the silver man was sitting on his chair alone. Kakashi spoke when his right feet touched the floor.
"There are doors you know."
Sasuke just nodded in annoyance.
"And stairs that lead you straight here." He continued with a smile.
"I want a mission." Sasuke said, completely disregarding the man's words.
"There aren't many." He opened his files and looked at the papers in front of him. "I'm fine by the way. Thank you for asking."
His former teacher always found it amusing to tease him. Sasuke didn't appreciate it at all.
"There are only D class missions Sasuke. Nothing new for now."
"Give me one. I don't care. Whatever you give me feels like a D class anyway."
The eyes of the Hogake rose from his papers to his student.
"Why the urgency?" He said and Sasuke felt the examination his look held.
"I'm bored." He answered plainly.
"I can't give you these. They are meant for the rookies." Kakashi explained.
"I'm bored. I can't sit all day." He said more irritated now.
Kakashi sighed.
"Go for a walk. Meet with a friend. Train. Go see the sunset. Read a book. I have some for you if you want." He said with a blink and laughed at Sasuke's frown. "There is nothing to do at the moment."
Sasuke walked to the window again and jumped outside.
"Pervert." He said before he vanished from the building.
He chuckled as he landed on a back street. Kakashi always seemed aloof, speaking as he had no concern in the world. Yet Sasuke had known by now that this had been his way of surviving, of moving on. He knew that beside Naruto, he propably was the one that understood his behaviour the most. Still he was irritated with the stupid things his former teacher proposed. All these were meant to be done by people far calmer than him, far more relaxed. He wanted, no, he needed order and a clear purpose. A program to follow and when he completed all the tasks, a new one to replace it. Go for a walk, he thought. With whom. His friendship with the blonde was not one that built upon endless talks in long walks. He was a person that rarely spoke a sentence or two and Naruto had a deep understanding with only few words. It was easy. Yet he was the last person that Sasuke wanted to meet. Second to last. He clinched his fist and tried to comprehend the situation he had got himself into.
"Sasuke-kun?" A voice called him.
He saw Sakura in front of him. He was lost in his thoughts and his attention was not on his surroundings. He would have avoided her if it was. Yamanaka was with her as it seemed. The girl gave a nod and he nodded back. The image of her had slightly better at the very end of their mission. The woman was almost surprised on the aknowledge of her presence but said nothing. He turned his stare on the pink haired kunoichi. They had not spoke since the last time that left her crying. He frowned on the thought but it was not the tears that drifted of her greens eyes that bothered him, it was what came after.
He waited for her to speak but as she said nothing but just stood there awkwardly watching him, he began to walk again.
"Your birthday." She said then. He was almost on her side and he gave her a side stare.
She swallowed and continued more quickly now.
"Your birthday are coming soon. We thought, me and Naruto I mean, since you are in the village this year maybe we could do something. Naruto came the other day but said he didn't find you home."
He gave a look at Yamanaka. She seemed bothered but tried to pass it as indifference.
"Not interested." He said blanky.
Her features held a disappointment but she continued.
"You know Naruto. He won't give up."
"Tell him otherwise." He continued more sternly now.
"He plans to throw you a surprise party." She said quietly as if it was a secret that she uncovered and she shared it with him.
He let his face show his bother.
"He has already invited Ino and Shikamaru. Hinata as well, and I think Kiba too. He will sent an invitation to Shino but I don't think he will be able to attend since he is still in Suna."
He stopped hearing after her name was mentioned. When did it started to cause him anxiety. How on earth was possible a mention of a single name to make him mute.
He took a step. His feet still worked thankfully.
"Sasuke-kun... What are you going to do?"
He heard Sakura's voice but kept walking.

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