Chapter Two

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He took long steps, careful not to fall and meet the same fate as the girl on the edge of the lake. Would she do the same? Would she help him if he drowned? The distance between them was closing with every step that he took but she didn't seem to mind. Her eyes were fixed on the pile of snow her body had landed. Her cough was fainting until only the sound of the wind left to frame the horrified look on her face.
"Oi." He was a few feet away but when she raised her eyes in the direction of the voice she jumped like she wasn't expecting someone to be there.
He didn't know if it was the cold or who her eyes met but her body fell lifeless on the ground.
If an artist had set his eyes on the sight she was making he would make wonders. Her long blue hair were scattered on the pure white matching her arms. But Sasuke was no artist. Why would someone wear a sleeveless shirt on the freezing cold was the only thought that crossed his mind. He took the pale girl and walked to his house.


He changed her clothes with warm ones with an emotionless face. He saw more skin and he tried not to look thinking the girl might be shy. They were shinobi so he didn't really understood the shyness. Being in missions for long, you had learnt and see everything about your partner. He covered her with a blanket and lit the fire.
She didn't seem to have any serious injury so he left her at the couch until she was warm enough to wake. He proceeded with the routine he would make if he didn't met her on the way.
His body was clean, his hunger was gone and yet the girl wasn't awaking. She had to go so he could sleep. An indruder wouldn't make his eyes closed easier than usual. Yet he took pity on the small animal covered in his blankets. It was already late. He would sleep on his chair.


The morning sun found its way through a crack on the curtains. He opened his eyes when he heard small sounds coming from the couch. The girl had awaken at last. It seemed as she tried to be quite but failed. Sasuke was trained to react even in the slightest change. He observed her for a while. How long would she take until she realised he was watching her. She uncovered herself looking through the clothes on her body. A frown painted her features. Then she moved her eyes on him. He expected a surprise that didn't came. Then a small smile covered her mouth and she looked down shyly.
"Thank you Uchiha-san."
His lack of answer didn't stop her for getting up and bowed.
"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you."
He sat there watching her fixing her hair with her hands and placing the shoes on her feet.
"I'll be on my way now."
"What were you doing last night?" He voiced his mind when her hand was at the door.
She took a moment before she turned again. She looked younger with her hand in front of her mouth looking at the floor. Her pink cheeks showing her embarrassment wasn't fitting her age or her statue.
"I took a walk and before I realised I was at a lake it cracked and I fell in. I am really clumsy sometimes."
"You took a walk in the blizzard?"
It was a feeling that bothered him.
"Well... You see... Today is my birthday...and I felt a little sad. I'm turning 19 today."
He raised his eyebrows in a silent oh that marked his mockery.
She waited there for him to speak again. Maybe she thought he would congratulate on her birthday. He didn't waste his words on superficial people like her. When she understood he wouldn't speak again she turned to leave saying her apologies once more.
She was just sad that she was getting older. Every passing year would mark the loss of her youthful appearance. Maybe that was causing her sadness.
His eyes must had played tricks on him because he thought he saw a different scene last night. In the end she was just a human being like the rest.


Her absence was unnoticed. Everyone was excited planning her secret party so she let them be. She would put extra effort in her joy and excitement. A mistake was made last night that should be fixed. If by any chance the man had noticed, her laughter would cover any words spoken in contrast. The notion was evident in her ears. Her eyes saw through the walls beyond the garden,at the gates several people gathered. They were silent and careful but she knew. She had a few spare minutes for herself.
The bed was small for her adult figure but she refused to replaced it. Everything that he touched had value. Neji would be twenty already, only few months before he had to put another digit on his age. He wouldn't want a big event only few selected people would be enough after Hanabi's insistence. When he would open her gift a little blush would appear. It was a new yukata for his formal appearances in the clan meetings. His old one had shrunk under the growing body. Ten-ten would tease him and Lee would be excited urging him to try it. His voice would speak of anything and Hinata would be truly happy.
Lost in the blissful fantasy she didn't notice Hanabi approaching. Her sister barged into the room before she could collect herself.
"Are you crying?"
She wiped her tears, pulling her body out of bed.
"You thought I forget it right?" Hanabi had an evil grin, taking her hand and moving her out of the room.
Hinata nodded.
"Surpise." Multiple voices came from the living room.
"Aren't you silly. How could I forget?" Hanabi hugged her.
Hinata laughed when Kiba put cake on her nose. She opened her gifts with excitement trying to guess what belonged to whom. Her face paled a little when Naruto hugged her to wish her for her birthday.
The gathering was a success. Everyone's faces mirrored their cheerfulness when they said their goodnights.
Naruto was the last to leave. He watched as Hanabi pretended to clean the mess.
"Hinata can we talk?" His eyes reflected his eagerness.
"Maybe another time Naruto-kun. I'm a little tired." She looked at the floor to avoid his saddened face.
"Naruto are you coming?" Sakura's voice heard from outside.
"Okay. Another time it is." He said before he run outside.
"Is it finally happening?" Hanabi yelled.
Hinata didn't dare to look at her sister. She excused herself and took small steps on the wooden floor. She locked the door upon entering her room. Her feet casually walked to the bathroom before they bent at the floor. It was a good thing she didn't ate much.

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