Chapter Twenty-Two

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On the twentieth of June Kakashi called them. He stood by the window that allowed him to observe the busy streets of Konoha and didn't turn even after they entered the room and waited. When he finally spoke his voice reminded Sasuke of the one he had when they were still enemies.
"I was never suited for this position."
He knew. Something terrible had happened.
"Hogake-sama is everything alright?"
Hyuga on his side had picked on the gloomy atmosphere.
"We found ten leaf shinobi hunged. All were on missions." Sasuke saw the woman place her palm in front of her mouth to hide the shock.
Kakashi turned. The scar in his eye bled from anger.
"Suna, Kiri, Kumo and Iwa reported the same."
He almost throwed the papers in their hands.
"Ten shinobi of each respected village died."
Sasuke took the scrolls and studied them for a while.
They were found across the land within days. As before no connection could form between them.
"This is an orchastated attack against our peace. For this to happen a large group of people is involved. You can't no longer proceed on your own." Kakashi explained.
"What is the number ten means?" Sasuke asked without moving his gaze from the papers.
"I can't say for certain but Shikamaru and I have a guess." He eyed them both. "It's the date the war ended."
The Hogake took a seat behind his desk, crossing his arms together.
"We can't find a trace of them or what they want. Everyone that they encounter seem to die or lose their mind."
"Not everyone." Hyuga spoke. "I think there is a way to make them come out." She turned her eyes on him, smiling at his frown.
"No." Sasuke replied before she formed her words.
"This is the best course of action Sasuke-kun. Otherwise many lives will be lost."
"It's too risky." He replied firmly.
Kakashi coughed.
"Can you explain me your plan then?"


He run towards their destination with Yamanaka on his side. The fake scroll they were given was hunging from her bag. He looked at his rare, the pink hair emerged and lost with every jump. His lips were closed in a small line. He didn't like this plan.
They stopped after an appropriate time. They didn't want to raise suspicious by moving too fast. His teammates chatted slightly about the mission that was not meant to happen. They didn't know if they were watched.
"Sasuke-kun." Sakura got up from her position and walked up to him. "Here, drink some water." She offered him a bottle and smiled trying to lighten up his mood. It wasn't working.  He would have preferred to be alone instead in the company of them. He looked at the moon, leaving the pinkette's hand in the air. He would have preferred to be with her. He hoped that she was safe.


The second day he wasn't wasting any step. He marched forward, not caring for the growled the blond offering every five seconds.
"We shouldn't waste our energy. It's pointless. Shikamaru said to be there tomorrow. We have plenty of time." Ino spoke with a slight anger painting her words. Sasuke didn't care to reply. He was against the plan Nara formed anyway and she was getting on his nerves from the moment they departed. She wasn't the kind of person he would be able to tolerate easily even in a gathering, not now that there were lives at stake.
"Hey, did you hear me?" She asked again earning a glare from him.
"I think what Ino's trying to say..." Sakura tried to ease the tension.
"I know what she is trying to say. I don't need an explanation." He answered angrily and run few feet ahead of the two kunoichi.
He was uneasy with both the plan and his companions. He had never been in a mission with Yamanaka and the time to coordinate their abilities was less to none. As for Sakura there had been years since they were on the battle together.
Last time he escaped barely because she was there. And since then they had honed their teamwork to perfection. They should have sticked together. But the plan said otherwise.
When Hyuga spoke, he knew what she would propose. For them to be baits. She had suggested back then, in their first encounter with the enemy that their were targets as well. And as the facts kept pilling, it became more evident for that to be true. But as they didn't know where they were going to appear it felt pointless. Kakashi called Nara and explained the situation. When the black haired man opened his eyes and spoke the strategy was formed.
They situation was dire and they couldn't afford to waste any time. Their best course of action was to split the two targets in different locations, giving the enemy the opportunity to attack if he was near to one. Multiple operations like these were to happen across the land with top secrecy. The other would be in blind. They chose random people in the hopes of them to be targets. The teams were to be close but not close enough to cause alarm.
His, would take upon a mission that would place them in the outskirts of Suna. The mission was real but they would never actually go. Nara suspected informations of the inside and took that precaution.
Hyuga, Inuzuka and Nara himself would travel to Suna in the pretence of meeting Aburame.
Nara travelled to Suna often anyway to meet the Kazegake's sister.
Sasuke and Hyuga would act as guards as they had encounter the mysterious technique before. Yamanaka would be the trump card in their team if Sasuke was caught, as to wake him up. They didn't know if that would work but it was the best shot they had, since Hyuga would not be traveling with them.
The others had placed their hopes on her. But Sasuke knew. He had seen her the last time. She was ready to let go and he wouldn't be with her this time to yell her to fight.
He took a deep breath. She was better. She would be fine. If she did a stupid thing and died, he would resurrect her to kill her himself.
The night they sat in the fire, making their presence known to whoever was watching. He had to stay and endure the company until further that evening, until the time came to move a little further, giving himself up for potential capture.
"Naruto would be in one of the missions." Sak said quietly. "He is still in Kiri but he begged and they let him." She sighed. "That guy can't give it a rest."
"I wish he was here." The blond spoke. "It would be reassuring."
"You can't depend on him for everything." Sasuke stated.
"I didn't say that. But these guys, they are lucky to have him at a time like this."
It seemed that the feelings were mutual between him and her, given the tone she was responding.
"But we have Sasuke-kun with us, Ino."
Sakura was proving to be more annoying. She should let them be. Her defending on him made things more hard.
"Yeah." Yamanaka raised her arms lazily. "What a pleasure."
There were some moments of silence as they ate in front of the camp fire. Then Sakura spoke again in a concerning tone.
"Why are you being targeted?"
Sasuke higher his gaze. He looked at her for a moment. Even if he laughed it would be appropriate. Yamanaka continue her food, shooting side glares at the both.
"Why do you think, Sakura?"
She looked at him, uncertainty on her eyes.
"I don't know. I mean your mistakes are already forgiven."
He raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, really? By who? By you?"
Her features broke but she continued.
"Not only me. Anyone..."
"Did it ever matter to me what anyone thought?"
"I'm just worried."
"I don't need your worry."
He answered coldly but Sakura continue.
"You know I will always be worried about you and Naruto."
"I won't let you kiss me too. So focus on him only."
He was harsh, he knew. Irrational even. But he just needed her to stop. He saw as her mouth opened and her eyes widen in surprise. He heard Yamanaka choking on her food and cough.
"How do you know that?" She was angry. Maybe with their best friend, thinking he broke her trust.
Sasuke smirked.
"I saw you."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Why didn't you both?"
Sakura lowered her head only to lift her eyes.
"Sasuke, this meant nothing. I.."
His grin widen.
"Do you think I care? I don't." He turned to leave. Their fight was the perfect opportunity.
"You don't deserve him, Sakura. You know that right?"


She nervously tangled her fingers. Kiba has gone ahead to scan the area as he did the previous days. In a few hours they would reach the border. She had followed Shikamaru's plan to the point of perfection. At night she walked away further than them, giving the enemy the chance to attack. Two nights in a row she patiently waited but to no vain. She knew the risks from the moment she proposed to make herself a bait. But she didn't thought they would be apart. Her team was not the problem. She trusted Kiba with her life and Shikamaru had proved many times before his skills as a strategist.
But they had began this mission together, her and Sasuke and it felt wrong in a way to not finished it the same. He was her partner. He could tell by now only with a look how she would react. They were spending most of their time together until this point and his presence provided a safety. When she proposed it, she thought, she could be there to prevent anything that might happen. If he got hurt, it would be her fault. He was against it from the beginning. She knew.
Akamaru run beside Kiba, marking the safety of their way. In a sense she was disappointed. She secretly hoped, she would be the one to target.
Kiba caught up on her rising anxiety and rest his arm above her shoulders.
"Don't worry Hina. We will protect you."
Maybe a previous version of herself would be scared. Maybe she would need protection. Perhaps Kiba's kind words would mean something more.
"I'm not worried about me." She spoke and her friend's arm fell. She spotted Shikamaru's gaze upon the rising smoke of his cigarette.
"The others will be fine. Sakura is a monster and Sasuke is an even bigger one. And if anything happens Ino would drag them out."
She wasn't so sure. She pushed herself to smile but stopped.
"I want you to be careful." She responded instead. He had to understand the seriousness of the situation. "It's not something to win by force."
Her friend, her best friend looked at her for a moment.
"Hinata is that really you?" He quickly discarded the serious face that he had a moment before and let a nervous laugh.
"I'm sorry. I'm being strange."
She smiled. She understood what Kiba was saying. She had shed away her mask for the first time in years.


They had arrived at their destination.
She couldn't use her bloodline carelessly like last time. On the outside, it was a friendly trip. If she looked intensely, searching for enemies, their cover meant nothing. The others should be here soon sending a message from their safe travel. They would pass along the borders and then regroup. If they were safe, if they had no encounters they would be here any minute now. 
If they had been successful, someone would inform them to run for aid.
"We are here early."
Shikamaru said and she didn't know if he was addressing to her or to himself taking his distance to wait.
She felt the marks on her arms burning from the agony. Every tick of the clock rose that feeling.
She heard a noise and turned to follow the sound. She saw Sakura covered in bruises, carrying the unconscious body of Ino. She run to them, only to touch her friend's hand, searching for palse. She felt one barely. Sakura fell on her knees, her eye swollen from a hit.
"What happened?" She almost cried.
"It was a terrible idea." The green eyes looking at a void.
"Where is Sasuke?" Hinata got up in a frenzy. He was nowhere to be found. She looked again at Sakura's empty stare.
"Where is he?" She felt the tears and angrily pushed them away.
"They took him."
The blood drained from her limbs.
"I heard him cry and beg for death." The emerald met the white. "I have never heard him scream like this."
Hinata ran into the direction they came for. She ran even when she heard the same words from her friend. A terrible idea.
She would find him. She would bring him back. She wouldn't fail this time.


As they walked to the Suna borders no voice was heard among the three. After their fight the night before they were yet to speak. He took his walk around the camp and he heard the blonde's whispers when he left. She at least was quiet this morning after two long days. They would meet with the others in short. She would be safe. As he recalled the previous encounters, they were always aiming at him first. He should be their target now. He never said it to Hyuga but deep down he had come in that conclusion. Nara's plan had failed. It could happen to the best and as Yamanaka was saying non stop he was the best.
He felt Sakura fasten her pace to catch up to him. He kept his stare in the road ahead. She got to his left and walked for a while without uttering a word.
"I know." She said at last."I will talk to him when he gets back."
He nodded in aknowledge.
He felt several chakra coming their way fast. The other two sensed them as well. He opened his red eye preparing for combat.
He saw the dog first. Then his owner. Nara was coming last. They run in a hurry but halted when they came into their vicinity a few feets ahead.
He had only one though. Where was Hyuga?

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