Chapter Eight

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Last night she had slept with the food intact in her stomach. The training kept for hours and left her body completely exhausted. Upon waking her first thought was how she laughed after a long time. She found it funny how a man so cold was offended about her distaste in his cooking skills. Her body reacted on its own forming the long lost sound. Now she felt guilty. She wasn't entitled in pleasant emotions, it was a blasphemy.
She took her morning routine and walked to the dining room. She didn't expect to see the two people taking their breakfast. Her father sat in the head of the table, moving his head to acknowledge her presence. She said her goodmornings and smiled at her sister before she took her seat.
"How long it is since we all sat together?" Hanabi beamed of excitement.
"I didn't except to see you here father." Hinata took a bite of the food that was served to her. Her father was usually the first to wake. His day started early as he wanted to do as much work as he could. He was a busy man.
"I worked until late last night."
"And my instructor is sick." Hanabi cut him off smiling.
"You shouldn't be so happy about it." Hinata scolded her causing her sister to pout.
"I'm not happy that he's sick. I'm happy that I get the day off. So what will we do today?"
"You can train on your own." Hinata suggested. She turned her look at her father hoping he would agree with her thinking.
He drunk his water before he answered.
"I believe a day of doing nothing is good for the training, as long as it isn't becoming a habit."
It was one of those times that she missed how Hiashi was back in his cruel and cold days. That man wouldn't never say that.
"See? Father agrees with me." Hanabi yelled happily. "I will think you want to avoid me sister."
Hinata smiled. She was. But it wasn't Hanabi's fault.
"I just don't want to be a bad influence. So what do want to do?"
Hanabi started to count all the things she wished. A day wouldn't be enough. Hearing her sister's giggles only a thought crossed her mind. Breakfast wasn't a good idea.


They went shopping, since her little sister insisted she needed clothes for the upcoming spring. She looked like a doll with all the different clothes she tried. She was still shorter than her but it was obvious that she will grow to surpass her. Her attempts to make Hinata buy some outfits too were in vain. Hanabi's style was more traditional with a touch of her own uniqueness. It was natural since she never joined the academy and was mostly influenced by the people of their family. Then she wanted to try coffee and the sweets in the shop Hinata always mentioned.
She was tired of all the giggles and smiles when the only thing she wanted was to stare at the ceiling on her bedroom. But Hanabi was happy and that was what mattered.
They entered the shop and the smell of freshly baked cakes hit their nose. The young girl run to the displayed sweets with sparkles in her eyes. She must have said something because she turned to her with a questioning look.
She followed the path the lavender eyes had.
"Oh your friends are here." Hanabi waved at the direction of the two kunoichi. The blonde one smiled at her and the pink one waved reluctantly.
"Let's go sit with them." The girl was ready to make a step.
"No." Her voice sounded strict making Hanabi to turn at her again.
"Today it's about spending time together. Just the two of us." Hinata tried to soften her words.
"Oh. Okay." She stopped for a second. "You're right. They have you all the time." The smile returned to her face.
Hanabi chose five different flavours and a coffee. They walked to a nearby park to sit and enjoy the goods.
Her sister tried everything, commenting about what was tasty and what she didn't like. Hinata's mind was at the look her friends had when their eyes met. They felt betrayed and angry. Ino was sure to take Sakura's side. She was her best friend. She felt bad that she saddened them. But it was for the best. The distance they had now would only become bigger in the future. And when the time would come they would shed less tears. She observed her sister humming lightly as she ate. It pained her to be around when she knew she had failed her. It pained how she looked like him. How she wanted to speak about him, to share her loss and she stopped because she knew that Hinata didn't want to. Hanabi would cry when she wouldn't be around anymore. But it would be better for her even if she couldn't understand it. The only thing she ever did was to cause pain at the people around her. She had imagined countless times all the misfortunes that would been prevented if she was never born.
"So did you fight with your friends?" Hanabi asked, causing Hinata's eyes to look away.
"We had a disagreement. Nothing to worry about."
"What did they do?" Her sister asked a little angrily.
She formed a sad smile. Hanabi was ready to believe that her big sister was always on the right. That she could never do anything wrong.
"Nothing. It was my fault really." She patted her head to calm her but it didn't seem to work.
"Don't blame yourself for everything Nee-chan. You always do that."
Hinata felt suffocated. She tried to think of something to say to change the course this conversation was going. What could distract Hanabi enough to not mention what she knew her sister would.
"Even with.." the young heiress started.
"Naruto asked me out." Hinata stopped her.
The white eyes opened wide.
"What? When? What happened? Are you two dating?"
She sighed of relief but the girl misunderstood it.
"You are going to tell me everything."
Hinata explained everything to an extent.
"So this guy that you love for -i don't know- forever says he wants to be a couple and you turn him down?"
"It's not that simple." Hinata looked at the grass that was shyly making its first appearance.
"Because you say he likes the pink bubblegum? So what? Maybe he is trying to move on."
"He is not." An ant that had lost its way was trying to find the hole which he came.
"And how do you know? I mean you never gave the poor guy a chance."
She guided the small creature with her fingers, careful not to hurt it.
"Nee-chan." Hanabi had moved closer to her face trying to get her to speak.
"Even if he still have feelings for her, he probably likes you. What other reason does he have to ask you out?"
Hinata turned her eyes on her sister. She had an unusual look, one that Hanabi had never seen. It made her feel strange enough to back out a little.
"Nee-chan?" Her voice almost scared. She didn't know of what.
Hinata took her sister's hand, softening her gaze.
"Naruto cares about me. Just not in that way."
Hanabi relaxed. For a moment she thought something terrible would happen. That Hinata was about to say something that would destroy their relationship forever.
"So why these girls are mad at you?"
"Because they think I hurt him. Not that I set him free." The last part was a whisper that fled with the wind.
"So I was right. You didn't do anything. I shouldn't have waved at them."
Hinata tried to say something but was stopped by Hanabi's hug.
"I really love you Nee-chan."

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