48.) X

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Awake in the middle of the night
not wanting to go to sleep.
The calls, they used to fright,
but now they just intrigue me.
Mysterious calls from the sea.
Darkness is just unveiled mystery.
An unknown adventure yelling 'come to me,
come to me!'

So I do the only thing I know how to do and leave.
I feel the wind blow my hair and brush my sleeve.
My tears dry, the wind lets no-one grieve.
The legends ring true, that I believe.

I see the loch-ness swimming by,
in the blue sea and under the bluer sky.
Shipwrecks and forgotten histories.
Missing treasure and unsolved mysteries.

When my eye caught sight of the glint of the gold
was when I knew I couldn't turn back.
I had to have it, it I had to hold to behold.
I needed to bring that treasure chest back,
pull it out of the black
of the sea

So I find the map that shows the treasure marked with an X.
I set out on my mission, magic at the ready, wand and hex.
People died trying to do this, broke legs, limbs, necks.
But no, not me, never me, I have ran several checks
for traps that are meant to take my life.
But they can't hurt me when I've got my knife.

No, I have found X and it is mine now.
Disguised it as Y, don't ask why or how.
X is for me, known,
but for you it's a mystery forever unknown.

I have X,
Y doesn't exist
but they can have Z, never X,
or the other twenty-five that exist.

This gold blesses me with prosperity,
while my enemies are chocking in jealousy.
But I can't C them,
nor can I B them.
No, I can't X-plain my levels of success,
so they better back off with their wickedness.

They can have what I have in their dreams.
X is mine, zero is theirs it seems.
My gold shimmers, it gleams.
My smile is whiter than the moon, it beams.

Treasure, treasure,
I have X'd the X.
Clutch the diamond and the cheque.
How I am glad that on that day I did trek.
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Shards of Sugar (2022 - 2023) | PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now