my letter to you; the reader

346 13 18

May 2022 (Edited in December 2022)

Dear Reader,

Poetry, I've realised lately, is something I cannot live healthily without.
It is a form of self-expression for me. It is like therapy.
And without it, I'd be lost, tied to the silent night and thus my thoughts.
Without it, my emotions would be talked about too much with the people around me, since I cannot ever seem to communicate succinctly, I cannot get to the point very well.
I am more articulate, more eloquent when I have the space to think, when I have peace, and this passion and skill for poetry that I thank God for every time I am proud of a poem I write.
Poetry is thus the sweetness that my life needs, it is the release, the exhale that gives you the chance to inhale again, and to continue breathing.

This is why I've written 444 poems since I started writing poetry in the first lockdown of 2020. But the number does not matter.
The point is, I started writing poetry in 2020. And though I said that I would stop after my second poetry book titled "Finding the Edge", I did, but only did so for a few days. I can only go without poetry for so long.
My publishing poetry is evidence that I am in a good place mentally and is thus a good sign.

This is because my life got stressful after finishing finding the edge as I realised that exams were coming. So, I resorted to poetry again.
To self-expression.
My sister had even said I should never have stopped when I told her I did.
She had asked "why?", but I did not know at the time, how I could not live without poetry, so I simply lied.

And finally, it's time to break this ice of formality to show you that I mean every single word of this book, seriously.

If there's anything I've learnt through some of the hardships that I have faced during life, it is to have balance and belief.
Balance between poetry or your passion, and your obligations.
And belief in your journey, having faith in your capabilities in trust in God that everything will work out just fine, because it will.

So, from one poet to another,
Or perhaps from a poet to a dear whether loyal or new,
I present to you (how theatrical), my poems, all of which, are nothing but self-expression.

They are all shards of sugar intended to sweeten both my life, and the lives of those who read it, as they will all have a lovely, sparkly tinge of optimism in them, but will ultimately be authentic at their core.

Because, if you sometimes don't feel okay (which is okay), then reading poems that are true forms of self-expression of what I felt, added with a positive, light outlook on life would be the perfect way to do to lift your spirits!

So, smile, laugh, be thrilled!
Feel the joy and kill the acrimony!
As you embark on your journey to collect every shard of sweet sugar this book has to offer.
Enjoy yourself, and happy reading.
I hope this book, or at least parts of it, sweeten your light like honey does tea.

Yours truly,

P.S. – Every poem will have additional subtext explaining its theme and the sweet essence it leaves behind for the reader. However, if you would like to leave every poem in this book up for your own interpretation then please simply gloss over these subtexts, moving onto the following poems instead.


Where to Find More Poetry:

Main Account: @DarkenedEclipse739
Second Account: Onyx_Or_Obsidian

Instagram Account (only post poetry there): @Pretty_Pristine_Poetry


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