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The first day of internships was unexpected, but really, Shouto should've expected it. His siblings had dragged him to Hosu, smiles plastered on their faces. When they got there, it was obvious why. Ingenium stood before them, face hidden behind his helmet, but Shouto knew that if they'd been able to see his face, the hero would probably be blushing. Over his silver hero costume, an obnoxious, bright pink tutu hung at his hips. The offending fabric was light and sparkly, rainbow glitters sprinkled over the tulle and sticking out at Ingenium's sides.

Shouto's siblings were all laughing as they held their phones out, taking videos and photos as the other hero stood still, arms at his sides and fists clenched. He looked like a child having a temper tantrum.

"I want you to stop laughing right now! I mean it!" Shouto couldn't help it. An almost mad laugh bubbled out of him until he couldn't stand upright anymore. Arms clutching at his stomach, Shouto laughed. Tears pricked at his eyes as the hilarity of the situation got to him. Touya and Natsuo's laughter soon joined him.

He didn't expect anything like this to happen on his internship. But it was fun.

What made the situation even better was Ingenium's little brother, Tenya, was standing behind the hero. The look on his face was a mixture of confusion and protective anger. No doubt he also wanted others to stop laughing at his brother. It was too bad Tenya also thought the situation was ridiculous.

The first day of internships was calm. Shouto patrolled the streets of Hosu with Touy-Blaze, Ingenium and Blitz. Blaze claimed that it was because Stain was still around and actively gunning for Ingenium, so as a good friend, he'd have to be there for him, but Shouto knew better. His older brother just wanted to stick around as long as possible to tease his friend. It was just like Touya to do that.


Touya had many reasons to be in Hosu today. The first, was to cash in on his bet. Tensei would have to start wearing a skirt today and he wasn't going to miss out on the reactions that his friend would garner. The second reason though...was more serious. After the Sports Festival, Tensei had gotten a message from his agency, telling him that Native had been attacked and killed whilst covering for Tensei. It was clear to everyone who Stain's true target was though. Tensei had literally dodged a knife by going to the Sports Festival. Touya could still remember Mr. and Mrs. Iida's faces as they tearfully thanked his family. If Tensei had gone on that patrol...he might not have come back.

Touya didn't like the idea of his friend patrolling by himself just a few days after the incident so he's patrolling with Tensei today. Despite his friend's protests, he wouldn't allow him to be alone. At least not for today. Tensei can have his so-called "autonomy" tomorrow. The stubborn guy has been tearing himself apart in his guilt. Even if none of it was his fault. The self-righteous idiot was just too noble sometimes. He took the blame even when it was not his to take.


Null was going to make an appearance in Hosu City tonight. Touya suspected that something would happen, in the previous timeline Tomura would have attacked with his Nomu, but now that Tenko was a hero...Touya didn't know how that would change the future. All he could do was be ready just in case any of the events from the previous timeline carried over. AFO was very meticulous in his planning after all, and he rarely let Tomura do what he wanted. Even with a different successor, Touya knew the old villain wouldn't change his methods. That was what made him so predictable.

From his perch atop a building, Null could see the bustling city below him. He'd keep watch tonight to make sure nothing happened.

When night fell, it was like history repeated itself. Even without Tenko leading the attacks, Hosu was still on fire. Nomu were prowling the streets and causing mayhem. Civilians were fleeing in terror as heroes battled against the mindless beasts. It was time for Null to do what he came to do.

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