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Shouto thanked his father for his fire. He never thought he'd ever say that, but at the moment, it was the only thing stopping Natsuo from freezing him in a block of ice. Dancing around the ice that his brother left on the ground and staying out of reach of Tenko, Shouto's lungs burned from both the physical exertion and the cold as each breath came out visible in the chilled air. Blasting a jet of fire at a wall of ice, Shouto quickly ran to escape his brother, who was looking far too happy to be attacking him right now.

This was targeting! How was this fair?!

"Stop dodging, Shouto!" Natsuo called gleefully from behind him, and Shouto could feel the frustration bubbling up as the exhaustion took its toll.

"NO WAY!" He shouted back as he kept running. He could see his classmates arriving in the distance. He needed to regroup with the others if they wanted any chance at beating his jerk of a brother.

He could hear Natsuo's cackling laughter as he kept running.

'Damn it, Natsuo! I'm going to make you pay later!' Shouto vowed to himself. Tokoyami and Bakugo were already approaching rapidly, no doubt Groups 1 and 5 would be right behind them. The rest of Group 3 would arrive soon as well, if Midoriya's earlier entrance was anything to go by.

Relief flooded him as Shouto saw more and more of his classmates appear. He had backup.


Izuku felt OFA tingle on his skin before he was hit by one of Midas' punches. He couldn't believe that Midas, THE MIDAS was one of the proctors for the exam! As an underground and rescue hero, it was rare to see any of Midas' fights and here Izuku was given the best view of Midas he'd ever get! It took everything for Izuku not to pull out his notebook when he'd first realised that pro heroes Midas and Jack Frost were in their exam area. He'd still get their autographs afterwards of course, but it was still exhilarating to exchange blows with one of the underground's top heroes.

Izuku had always had what he could call a healthy admiration for heroes, but since entering UA and meeting all these heroes, he'd been inexplicably drawn to the hero he was currently fighting.

Something inside of Izuku always felt strangely happy whenever there was any mention of Pro Hero Midas, and his attention was always glued to the screen whenever any news praising his actions arose. It gave him a warm feeling.

Maybe it was watching a pro hero that didn't use their quirk often in hero work. It was what Izuku hoped he would've done if he'd never received OFA. Watching Midas fight in the exams quirkless tugged at something in him. The part of him that had never given up on being the first quirkless hero when he didn't have OFA. The child that had grown up being told that he'd be nothing without a quirk wept at the sight of a hero that obviously didn't need his quirk to be great. It was cathartic.

A split second was the difference between Izuku staying upright versus where he would've landed had he not moved out of the way of one of Midas' kicks. Izuku could see the glint of steel in his shoes. Just like his. If that kick had would have hurt.

"Midoriya!" The sound of his name broke his concentration, and Izuku was rewarded with a painful punch to the face for his troubles.

"Get back here!" Shaking off the fuzzy feeling in his head, Izuku used OFA to jump away from the fight, leaping back to his classmates. When he stumbled, Todoroki caught him.

"Careful!" Izuku let himself have a few breaths to recover before pulling himself up, nodding at his friend in thanks. Todoroki gave him a brief smile in return.

"My brother's not going easy on us, so we need a plan." And so, Izuku listened as his friend stepped into his role as the class representative they'd elected. Todoroki wasn't the tallest in the group by any means, but when Izuku looked at him, Todoroki had looked so tall.

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