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Himiko had been on the run for days. Her parents had finally snapped. Their screams still rang in her ears as she, bruised and battered, finally escaped the hell that was that house. When her quirk manifested, it was like everything changed. The smiles and loving looks that her parents had given her had rapidly changed to disgusted sneers and angry yelling. Her love of blood, her creepy eyes, her face, everything about her was disgusting to them.



Those words followed her like the plague. Even after she ran, she still remembered them. She was unwanted, a curse, disgusting. Her mother was the first to abandon her when she found out what Himiko's quirk was. Her eyes turned colder than Himiko could ever imagine.

Fists and words rained down on her every day. Curses and swears showered her.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE HIS QUIRK?! THAT WRETCHED YOUNGER BROTHER OF MINE WAS GONE!! HE WAS A MONSTER!! AND NOW YOU'RE HERE!! WHY MUST I BE CURSED LIKE THIS?!" Her mother was the most vocal of her parents when it came to her quirk. From the bits and pieces of information within her mother's words, Himiko knows that her mother once had a little brother with a blood quirk as well. Apparently, he had left home soon after becoming an adult, cutting all contact with his family.

According to her mother, it was the one good decision he had made. Through spat words, her mother had said that his quirk was an embarrassment to the family. Her mother's family was religious, and the connotation of blood was a sign of the devil. Her grandparents had ignored her uncle the moment he displayed a quirk, whilst her mother had bullied him mercilessly.

Secretly, Himiko would pray that she could be as strong as her uncle. To survive that cruelty and manage to escape.

This was her chance. As she ran away, she kept thinking of her uncle, who must've been in a similar situation. He got away, so there was no reason Himiko couldn't.

She ran for the whole night. They had locked her in her room without food or water after beating her senseless. That was when she knew she couldn't take it anymore.

The cold, night air was refreshing on her skin. It chilled her burning wounds and numbed the pain, just slightly. The feeling of freedom filled her with elation, she let out an almost mad giggle as she ran.

As she raced through the night, Himiko didn't feel the strength leave her. She kept going until finally collapsing in the middle of the street.


It was another night where Touya was out as Null. He had managed to take down 2 groups of villains and was heading back to the cafe when he saw the figure of a young girl, running and giggling. The sound was both familiar, and chilling. The laughter clearly belonged to a girl, but it was manic. It was the sound of someone who had escaped their own personal purgatory.

Leaping from the rooftop he was on to the next building, Touya surveyed the girl. She was young, she couldn't have been older than 8 years old. Her thin dress fluttered in the wind and she looked chilled. Touya was worried that if he left her alone, something bad would happen. As she kept running, Touya followed behind her on the rooftops. He'll just watch to see where she is going. He hoped she just snuck out and was on her way home, but something inside him already knew that was not the case.

As he kept jumping after her, the little girl seemed to still, before collapsing in a mess of limbs onto the cold floor.

Touya panicked. He leapt down from the roof and ran to the girl. She was cold to the touch and her lips were starting to turn blue. How long has she been out here?! Picking up the girl, he ran to the police station with her in his arms. This girl needs help. Desperately.

TIME TRAVEL - I ADOPT A BUNCH OF BRATSWhere stories live. Discover now