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When Rei got home with her children, she immediately asked Touya and Natsuo to explain exactly what "training" was. Rei was worried, she had seen how Enji had trained and watched, helpless as her eldest burned himself to death every time he activated his quirk. She will not stand to one side as a stranger pushes him to his death. His insane goal of surpassing Endeavor was enough.

"He teaches us how to use our quirks without getting hurt." Touya started.

No. That was impossible. Enji had hired every quirk specialist to help Touya. None of them could do anything. Her child was burned again and again as specialist after specialist tried and failed to stop Touya's quirk from burning him.

"Touya, can you take your shirt off and show me your arms?" Whenever Touya's quirk went out of control or was used too often, it would leave patches of burnt skin all over his back and arms. Rei knew that Touya would try to hide any evidence of the burning even if it meant that he would get hurt so she couldn't believe him when he had told her that the training method that this Mr. Watanabe showed him would work. When Touya removed his shirt with no trouble, Rei was surprised to see smooth unblemished skin. There was no sign that his quirk was used at all. Rei almost couldn't believe it.

"Touya?" She hesitated to say the next words. The risk was high if the method didn't truly work, but Rei wanted to know for sure.

"Touya, can you please fire up your quirk? Make sure it's controlled but activate it in just one arm." Immediately, Touya's arm erupted into flames. The blue colour completely encasing his arm. Rei bit back a scream as Fuyumi looked worried and Natsuo stared at his brother, awe in his eyes. Rei let Touya hold the flames for about a minute before telling him to stop. When the flames receded, Touya's arm remained unblemished. No red marred his arm and when Rei tentatively poked at it, Touya let out no reaction. Holding on to her son's arm, fingers brushing at the soft skin, Rei felt a sob escape her lips. Her baby was fine. His quirk would not destroy him. She clutched at his arm until Touya had to pull it from her grasp.

"Mum? See? Mr. Watanabe taught me how to use my quirk without hurting myself!" Touya grinned cheerfully and Rei could feel herself smile along with him. She no longer had to worry, and Touya could pursue his dream.

The next time she sees Mr. Watanabe, she bows and thanks him profusely for all that he has done for her kids.


"No really, it's fine Mrs. Todoroki. Your boys are good friends with my Tenko and they're really no problem at all." Touya tried to get Rei to stand up. It was kind of embarrassing having a version of his mother bow to him like this, even if it was because he had managed to help little Touya with a problem he himself had struggled with for pretty much his whole life in the past timeline

The woman let herself be helped up as she faced Touya, a look of trust appearing on her face, unlike the last time they had met.

"When my son told me that you were training them, I admit that I was afraid. Touya has a quirk that doesn't fit with his body, the doctors said if he used it for too long he could burn alive." She explained.

"You've managed to do something that no one else has, you gave my son new hope and showed them both a different way to do things. I could never repay you-" Touya had to stop her there.

"Mrs. Todoroki,-" "Call me Rei."

"Ok then Rei. I helped out the boys because they're sweet kids. They don't deserve to be pushed aside or neglected because their quirks aren't 'strong'. I want to see them grow and develop, choosing their own paths in life. Touya told me he wanted to improve his quirk so that he can be a hero, I just gave him a nudge in the right direction." At this point, all the Todoroki children as well as Tenko were looking at him.

Little Touya had a look on his face that Touya now knew meant the boy wanted to hug him. Smiling gently at the boy, he opened his arms in acceptance and the kid rushed into his arms.

"Thank you." He murmured.


As Rei looked at the man interacting with her children, she felt a warm feeling in her heart. She wished Enji was able to do something like this, inspire love and respect from their children and show them the care that they needed. She wasn't blind to the fact that Touya trained himself so often in order to gain his father's attention, and that Natsuo felt invisible due to Enji's neglect. She had tried to tell Enji multiple times but he never listened!

She tried her best for her children, she tried to be there whenever she was able to. Sometimes it was hard to look after all four children, especially with Shouto being so young. Splitting her time and attention between the four often led Rei to subconsciously ignore the ones she thought were able to play independently, favouring the ones she knew needed more care.

As she watched the boys smile and talk to the man that had been their trainer and mentor for all these months, Rei knew there was something she needed to ask the man.

"Mr. Watanabe. I understand that you've been looking out for Touya and Natsuo all these months and training them in both their quirks and other skills, correct?" In the corner of her eye, she could see Touya and Natsuo stiffen.

"Yes?" Mr. Watanabe answered, looking curiously at her.

"I'm very sorry to have to ask this of you, but please keep looking out for my children. They need a positive older male figure in their lives and their father is unable to fill that role. After seeing how happy they are with you, I can't help but believe that you're the only one that can be that person for them. So please..."

Rei didn't finish the sentence but from the look on Mr. Watanabe's face, he understood.

"Of course Rei. I will always be here if they ever need help." Rei felt relieved. She now knew that the children had somewhere they could truly be children.

The kids were shooed off to play games in Tenko's room as Mr. Watanabe and Rei settled into a peaceful quiet, both of them sipping at the tea that Mr. Watanabe had prepared.

As it was time to leave, Rei stood at the door with Touya, Natsuo, and Fuyumi, the children waving goodbye energetically. As Rei was saying her goodbyes, Mr. Watanabe stopped her and said.

"Rei? You can call me Nabe. Same with you Fuyumi. Touya and Natsuo already call me that after all." With a final small grin, Nabe walked back into the cafe with Tenko.

The Todorokis returned to the estate that night tired but satisfied. Touya and Natsuo had spent time with their friend Tenko; Fuyumi had figured out what her brothers were hiding; Rei had found a friend, and they all found family in the form of a man called Touya Watanabe.



-What Was Tenko Thinking When They Met Rei?-

*When Rei appears*

Tenko: Oh, it's Touya and Natsuo's mum. Will I make a good impression? Touya and Natsuo are my friends and I don't want their mum to hate me or anything. What if I look bad today and their mum thinks I'm a delinquent? What do I do? Dad help!

*Literally 5 seconds later when Rei has an ice knife pointed at Older Touya*

Tenko: Touya? Natsuo? You won't be mad at me if I disintegrate her right? I mean. She's threatening dad and you said she ignored you a lot right? If she's gone you can just live with us! You can be my little brothers and I'll be the big brother that protects you both!

*When Rei thanks Older Touya*

Tenko: She's ok I guess. But I'm still keeping an eye out in case she hurts dad! Dad's an angel and no one can hurt him! *angry baby Tenko noises*


AN: This will primarily be posted on AO3 so for early updates, please check out my story at 

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