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There's a cafe near Musutafu Train Station that has been gaining in popularity lately. The cafe came out of nowhere and is rumored to serve some of the best food that Musutafu has to offer. Where The Pheonix now stands used to be a tea shop. The previous owners had decided to close and move away to the countryside, leaving the place empty for years. That was until Dabi, or Touya Watanabe as he now called himself stepped onto the scene, buying the property outright with the money he had saved after months of working from job to job. Touya knew that if he wanted to live a normal life, he'd have to start with building a new reputation and identity for himself. He couldn't exactly go out to steal money to live, in no way was that going to give him the stability that he so desperately craved. When he was Dabi he was so burned that everywhere he applied had turned him away. "You look too villainous to work here. Do you want to scare away the customers?" "You clearly have a dangerous quirk, get away you villain!" "Ewwwwwww! Who wants someone ugly to work retail??" Time and time again he was rejected just on his looks. No matter how kind or caring he tried to portray himself, once they took a look at his face, their expression would skew into one of disgust. He and the lizard had spent many nights complaining about the unfairness of the situation. He and Spinner had similar experiences with bigots over their looks. Whilst Spinner had a mutation quirk that people often looked at with revulsion, Dabi's quirk had "made him look like Frankenstein's monster" as Shigaraki had pointed out. Now that Touya looked somewhat normal again he wouldn't waste his chance. After he had been dropped in this new time, he had worked hard for himself. In his previous timeline, he had worked hard to strengthen his quirk to the point it burned everything and everyone. Including himself. Touya knew he had the drive and skill to build a new life for himself here. It was a blank sheet, a new start with a different dream. He wouldn't rely on anyone else to determine his own worth, he could do that for himself. Endeavor may not have seen him as a son, but as far as he was concerned. He has no father.

As for the treacherous bird that wormed his way into Touya's heart. Never again. He was sick of being used and abused by others, with no concern for himself. Hawks had made him feel beautiful, loved, and given him everything he wanted only to take it away. He had looked into Touya's eyes and coldly said that their relationship was nothing more than a ploy to get the information he needed for the HPSC. Touya didn't know if what he had felt for Hawks was love, but he knew that what he felt afterward was just pain; pain, and anger for the stupidity and weakness he had shown. He shouldn't have trusted the bird.

Focusing his energy on his cafe, Dabi found himself satisfied with the life he now leads. He'd wake up bright and early every morning to prepare his ingredients for the day before opening at 7 am sharp. He found that at this time, many teachers, police officers, students, and underground heroes would show up, all dying for a cup of coffee to make it through the day. He found himself interested in the different people that he would find at his door. They were all very unique with different motivations and appearances. Not long after he had first opened, he had met his first underground pro hero. Pro Hero Eraserhead. Even in the first timeline, Touya had greatly admired the underground pro. Eraserhead was everything that Endeavor was not. Eraserhead had shied away from the media and tried to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible, doing his job and disappearing without a word. Whilst he may not have looked as impressive as some of his co-workers, Touya knew that the man simply didn't care for theatrics. What use was appearance when fighting villains? Touya could appreciate the sentiment. Eraserhead was seemingly always calm and collected but always on the lookout for danger to ensure that he could protect everyone. Touya respected him a lot.

That impressive hero was currently standing in front of him, capture scarf wrapped around his neck inconspicuously. The man looked like he could fall asleep at any moment. His eyes seemed to struggle to stay open as a grumbled out his usual order. "One coffee and whatever is the special of the day. I don't think I'll survive teaching the problem children if I don't have it." Touya gave a grin at the man who he now seems to see daily. "One coffee and breakfast muffin coming right up."

TIME TRAVEL - I ADOPT A BUNCH OF BRATSWhere stories live. Discover now