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With the majority of Class 1A passing the Provisional Licensing Exam, the mood of the UA dorms was at an all time high. Between both heroics classes, all but one received their provisional license-and Bakugo would receive his provisional license after completing the extra lessons anyways, so it wasn't a total loss. Either way, the students were jubilant as they laughed and talked amongst themselves.

Just as the last of the party food was being prepared for their mini celebration, there was a knock at the door.


Neither class was expecting anyone tonight. They'd all sent their results back home, but hadn't thought much of it. After all, what would their parents do aside from sending a congratulatory text back?

Iida stood up from where he was seated on the common room couch and made his way to the door. Eyes flickered between him and his destination as more than a few of his peers tensed, ready for any attack that may happen. As safe as they may be at UA, there'd been enough incidents this year for them to be a little wary of unexpected visitors.

The door swung open and to the shock of pretty much everyone present, Shouto Todoroki came barreling into a stranger's arms.

The stranger in question was a young adult with fair skin and light blue hair that seemed to make his blue eyes glow like the hottest of flames. Toned arms wrapped around the youngest Todoroki as a smile broke out on his face.

The UA dorms took a collective gasp as the cool, stoic member of their number grinned like a child on Christmas morning.


They could have sworn they saw sparkles surrounding Todoroki as he beamed at the strange figure. In the background, Aoyama's eyes practically shone as he took in his classmate's sudden change. He was all but vibrating in his seat. No doubt itching to discuss Todoroki's...magnifique sparkles.


Shouto buried his face into his dad's shirt. When the familiar figure of Nabe had appeared at the doorway, it was like time had stopped for a moment. Whilst Shouto had told him, as well as the rest of his family of his success during the Provisional Licensing Exams, Dad had never even mentioned a possible visit.

Nevertheless, he was glad to see the man.

That feeling was intensified the moment he saw the box that lay at his dad's feet. The signature branding of the Phoenix Cafe, a comforting sight. With all the training he'd been doing lately, and the UA dorms being put into effect, Shouto had been unable to visit the cafe at all in the last couple of weeks. It didn't help that UA had such strong security put in place. Shouto understood the need. They'd lost a lot of trust from their teachers after the stunt they pulled at Kamino, but he still couldn't help but be disappointed at their inability to leave campus.

Shouto felt a fist gently rub into the top of his head.

"Soooo..are you going to let me in Shouto? Or am I going to have to stand outside?" Shouto blushed as he scrambled to move aside. He knew his dad was teasing him, but he still flustered at the jab.

Dad picked up the box and Shouto led him into the UA Heights Alliance.


Touya wanted to surprise Shouto. He'd spoken to both Rei and Enji, and they all agreed that Shouto deserved a treat after everything that had happened recently. With Kamino and the Provisional Licensing Exams, Shouto had been through a lot in the past few weeks. That was why Touya had requested Nezu allow him access to the UA dorms just for a few hours. Being the rat that he is, the principal had weaseled another deal with the cafe out of him, but Touya could deal with that. Sending an extra batch of pastries next month (though on a different week) would provide Nezu with the entertainment he wanted; that was easy enough.

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