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The police rang the doorbell as the heroes waited for their cue to engage. They'd be able to act once the yakuza read the warrant. The door to the hideout creaked open, and a face peeked out.

"What?" A man with a plague mask asked as Tsukauchi stepped forward, warrant in hand.

"We-" The door exploded as a large mass of a man punched through, arms bulging with obviously quirk-enhanced muscles.

"What do you want?!" The villain, Rappa bellowed as he charged at the heroes and police.

"How did they know we were coming?!"

"That doesn't matter! Go! Go! Go!" The police and heroes scrambled forward. It was time.


Touya wrapped the coat around him tighter, his vigilante outfit hidden underneath the dark fabric as he hurried towards the location specified in Tenko's notes. Today was the day of the raid. The heroes would attack and detain Overhaul, and Null would be there to make sure the operation goes off without a hitch. He won't interfere unless it was necessary. And if it was necessary, he'd kill to protect his kids.

Null arrived after the heroes and police had already barged into the Shie Hassaikai's base. The heroes had left him a path to follow. Null touched the wall, the edges of the hole crumbling under his fingers. The tell-tale signs of Tenko's decay accented the otherwise traditional exterior of the building, the cracks spreading like spiderwebs around the portions of the wall that his son had destroyed. It brought him a sense of pride that the cracks didn't extend much further. Tenko had trained hard to get his quirk under control. He was so proud.

Police were cuffing other members of the yakuza as Null ran by. They didn't deign to give him more than a look before going back to struggling against the yakuza. They had bigger problems than one wayward vigilante, especially one that didn't cause too much harm in the past, and thus, Null was blessedly unimpeded as he sprinted after the heroes.

The passageways twisted and shifted as he moved from where the traditional passageways ended and the industrial steel started, it only became more difficult to trace where the heroes had gone. Every turn that he took only brought him before more corridors and passages. It was driving him crazy. Null swore that he's seen that same bend in the path five times already!

Just as he was about to once again run left it was as if the ground and walls around him trembled. The walls around him shook and shuddered as if they were alive, and dying before him. The trembling lasted only a few more moments before everything stopped.

To his right, cracks formed on the surface of the wall. Walking closer to investigate, Null knocked on the wall. It was hollow. Taking a step back, Null swung his leg back and kicked down the wall. There was another path.

Null started running.


Lemillion had gone ahead to scout the layout of the base as Tenko decayed the walls behind him. Whilst Lemillion was their eyes and ears, Tenko would be the main force that let them breach the yakuza's compound without bringing the ceiling on their heads.

"This way!" The loud blonde's head stuck out of a section of the wall before disappearing behind it again. Tenko simply placed a hand where the teenager had been before letting his quirk do its work. Tenko focused on letting the decay spread to only a certain area of the wall. He needed to be careful. One wrong move from either Lemillion or himself, and they could accidentally bring down a supporting wall. Not only would that cause a big enough distraction to the heroes for Overhaul to escape, but it would cause untold harm to everyone present.

TIME TRAVEL - I ADOPT A BUNCH OF BRATSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant