A Small Treasure!

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Hey My Dearest Little Cupcakes!!!

Hope you all are doing fine and happy?

Well, this is not an update, you must have known it by the title. This part is kept as the Author’s treasure. Yup, that’s me ;)

You can comment here whatever you want about this book, characters and of course, about me. (please, make them positive not negative)

Thank you to each and everyone who is reading the book and reached till here, it really really means a lot! 💯🫶

I Loveee youuu all so much!!! TCA!

Stay safe, happy and super cool, Always!


P.S. ~ This part was actually an A/N in the past where I posted a note about taking a break in writing for my studies. My Lovely Readers have been so understanding and supporting! I don't want to delete this part and lose all those precious comments, that's why I made it as a small treasure for me! If you want to add your own mark here, you can comment and I will treasure it! Thank you, take care ♥️

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