Part: 6 - Solace in his arms!

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Hello My Dearest Little Cupcakes!

Hope you all are doing well. I'm really sorry for the late update! Forgive me, pls!

And Thank you each and everyone who have voted and commented ❤️ It really really meant a lot for me!

I read all your comments, laugh along with the inline comments. I was so happy. Don't mind that I haven't replied, coz I didn't have time but I always read all your comments! Thank you lovelies! Keep Supporting ❤️

I Love you all, TCA 😘

I saw many people asking about Vansh's pov in previous parts, His pov will not come now. You have to wait to get to know about our knight! So have patience.

Here we go with a new update! Don't forget to vote and comment.

This part is dedicated to Everyone who have commented in the last part ❤️❤️❤️

Happy Reading :)

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I feel so exhausted, drained and sleepy

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I feel so exhausted, drained and sleepy. My body is sore with pain, especially my legs. I want to go back to bed but I can't. I make a crying face.

Dang that stupid X! Because of him, Vansh has separated me and my slumber.

Our footsteps hitting on the ground can be heard clearly. I can feel my adrenaline rush, fast heartbeat and heavy breath which is coming out in puffs. I can't run anymore.

"Run fast!" I hear Vansh's grunt, who is holding my hand with his left one, as we run through the forest path.

"Hello, Mr. Devil who disturbed my slumber! What did you think of me, huh? You have plucked me out of the charger before my body gets fully charged. My battery is low now, so I will run slowly only."

My voice comes out laboured. I make an angry frown, my body is in the state of going to fall down at any time. Jesus!

He gives me a side glare but keeps running while pulling me along with him. How in the world of cupcakes does he run like this? I doubt if he even slept a wink. Then how does his battery have full energy?

I got to know that the ship has broken down by an unknown trap under the water. Angre has found that the trap might have been set by Kabir's men while Zayn has informed that the trap must have sent a warning alarm to them about our location.

I was so astonished hearing that. Like they implied, Kabir has this country under his full control. Not bad, he has traps to protect his territory from the enemies.

So now, we are running in this forest as we don't want to get caught by Kabir's men.

I was so frustrated that Vansh had told me that they were here already. When I asked him about this, he replied that they will be here any time, so the sooner we escape the better. Uff!

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