Your Name?

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When I had stepped into the castle, Nightmare pushed me forwards, stepping in himself and closing it while I was still stumbling forwards and regaining my balance. He watched as I did, standing up again and snapped his fingers. Horror jumped into action, grabbing me by my upper arm and pulling me towards him.

"Get her properly dressed, in a cell" I frowned at the dressed part but couldn't say anything after I had been dragged behind the mumbling psycho down the hall. I tried to keep pace but in the end I let him drag me it was easier and I had a better time looking around the castle, old marble broken in the corners of the rooms, barely any light filtered through the air, candles lit but not really helping. It was also huge, an old styled victorian castle is what popped into my head, it seemed to look similar to what I would have pictured in my head. Dusty carpet also ragged and torn in several spots throughout the area, Horrors heavy axe was not helping in any case to this, doing more harm than good to the poor beaten fabrics. The curtains weren't better, torn on the ends, stained with who knows what, dark reds, they looked velvet, the weight causing the metal rod from above to bow in frustration. It was clean...well cleaner than I had thought it would have been in the first place, noticing a few little monsters here and there cleaning up little messes before bowing to Horror as he passed and frantically jogged away afterwards. Horror had ignored them, or maybe seemed to not even notice the little critters when he passed by the handful.

We stopped a few minutes later leaving the hallway and entering another room, huge oak doors were pushed back already so the opening was wide enough to let at least seven people get through at once without a huge problem. I couldn't even see the ceilings properly with how high they were, arching above us as I was dragged further into the castle. The darkness didn't really help though.

Horror had seemed to instantly have a grudge against me after my faking from before, I didn't blame him but at least he hadn't done anything like Dust had. I shivered at the memory, recalling it rather too well. I hope I didn't see him here but I knew I would, he was working under Nightmare so of course he would be here. That thought alone made me want to leave, call Ink to come get me so I could get away from these crazy's but if I did do that then everything leading up to this point was a huge wast of effort I had put in. I knew I had to keep going.

When I was thrown forwards I hadn't had the time to really grasp the fact I was just casually thrown like a rag doll until after I had rolled on the ground and sat up. Horror stood there, glaring at me, I blinked, looked around and saw some clothes, bundled onto a bed, full of dust. Horror stared at me, motioning for the clothes and I slowly got up and grabbed them from the bed. unfolding them and looked at it fully in its beauty. It actually wasn't too bad, a of course, strapless, with a corset back and a short mermaid style so the dress hit right below my knees. I looked at Horror, he seemed annoyed.

"Fucking change already" His gruff voice on the edge of hostility and I had to take a step back, frowning but turning away and shedding my clothes, trying not to remember someone was standing just right behind me, someone who wanted to kill me to even make it better. Then slipped the dress on and pathetically tried to tighten it in the back, which was a whole mess and I couldn't properly tie it to the right tightness. I heard an annoyed huffed, footsteps then skeletal hand clasped over mine, pushing them away. I stared at the wall, trying to to flinch every time his freezing cold phalanges had brushed against my spine. To help him out just a little, maybe to get back on his good side I moved my hair over one shoulder so he could see what the hell he was doing in the dark. Though I didn't know if he needed the lights, the harsh red beam of light flowing from his pin prick was enough for me to see how dirty the wall was in front of me. More mumbling, then finally the dress tightened and was tied correctly. I stood straighter than before, turning when he had stepped back, holding his axe over his shoulder and staring down at me, still frowning and still pissed. Well it was worth a try. I looked away awkwardly.

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